P. 15

                   Wednesday 25 July 2018
            Doctors: Woman likely spread Ebola a year after infection

            By MARIA CHENG                                                                         the  viruses  taken  from  the  lead author.
            AP Medical Writer                                                                      father,  the  two  boys  and  Dokubo  said  it  was  pos-
            LONDON  (AP)  —  A  Libe-                                                              the  strain  circulating  dur-  sible  the  woman  infected
            rian woman who probably                                                                ing  the  2014-15  outbreak  her husband and two older
            caught  Ebola  in  2014  may                                                           across Liberia, Guinea and  sons with Ebola when they
            have  infected  three  rela-                                                           Sierra  Leone,  which  ulti-  took care of her — the dis-
            tives  a  year  after  she  first                                                      mately  killed  more  than  ease  is  normally  spread
            fell sick, doctors reported in                                                         11,000  people  in  the  big-  through  contact  with  an
            a study published Monday.                                                              gest Ebola epidemic in his-  infected patient's blood or
            There  have  been  previous                                                            tory.                        other bodily fluids. The case
            instances of men spreading                                                             Scientists  discovered  the  report was published online
            Ebola to women via sexual                                                              woman  had  cared  for  her  Monday in the journal Lan-
            transmission — the virus can                                                           brother  in  July  2014,  who  cet.
            survive  in  semen  for  more                                                          died  after  suffering  Ebola-  "There  isn't  complete  evi-
            than a year — but the new                                                              like  symptoms  but  before  dence to reconstruct what
            case  is  the  first  time  scien-                                                     being  tested  for  the  dis-  happened,  but  this  is  the
            tists  have  suggested  that                                                           ease. The woman later ex-    most  likely  scenario,"  said
            Ebola  was  spread  from  a     This  undated  colorized  transmission  electron  micrograph   perienced  a  similar  illness,  Lorenzo  Subissi,  an  epide-
            woman  after  such  a  pro-  image made available by the Centers for Disease Control and   but never sought care.   miologist  at  Sciensano,  a
            longed period.               Prevention shows an Ebola virion.                         Several  weeks  after  giving  Belgian  research  institute,
            The rare possibility of Ebola                                         Associated Press   birth to a baby in Septem-  who  was  not  part  of  the
            spreading long after infec-                                                            ber  2015,  the  woman  de-  study.
            tion  highlights  the  impor-  cape  the  antibodies  from  three younger sons.        veloped  problems  includ-   Dokubo said such cases of
            tance  of  monitoring  sur-  a  body's  immune  system,  The 15-year-old died a few  ing  fatigue  and  breathing  Ebola  re-emergence  are
            vivors,  especially  with  the  so there is a need for vigi-  days  later.  The  father  and  difficulties. Doctors say that  exceptional,  with  only  two
            imminent  end  of  the  most  lance," said Dr. David Hey-  an  8-year-old  boy  were  because  pregnancy  low-      reported instances: a Scot-
            recent  flare-up  of  the  dis-  mann, a professor of infec-  positive for Ebola, but both  ers the body's immune de-  tish  nurse  who  developed
            ease in Congo. That coun-    tious  diseases  at  the  Lon-  recovered.  The  couple's  fenses,  that  may  have  al-  meningitis caused by Ebola
            try's  latest  outbreak,  an-  don School of Hygiene and  5-year-old  son  wasn't  in-  lowed for the Ebola virus to  hidden in her brain and an
            nounced  in  May,  has  so  Tropical  Medicine,  who  fected.                          re-emerge.                   American  physician  who
            far recorded 38 confirmed  was  not  linked  to  the  new  Doctors  found  Ebola  an-  "The  suspicious  illness  she  had  lingering  virus  in  his
            cases, including 14 deaths.  research.                    tibodies  in  the  mother,  had following delivery may  eye. In those two cases, the
            It  is  due  to  be  declared  The unusual cluster of cas-  her  breast  milk  and  her  have been a re-activation  virus did not spread any fur-
            contained on Wednesday,  es  in  Liberia  was  identified  2-month-old baby, suggest-  of  Ebola,  but  we  have  no  ther. "We don't want there
            which  will  mark  42  days,  after the woman's 15-year-  ing a previous infection and  confirmatory tests," said Dr.  to  be  a  sense  of  compla-
            or  two  incubation  periods,  old son was diagnosed with  the  possibility  she  passed  Emily Kainne Dokubo, who  cency with people thinking
            since the last case was re-  Ebola  in  November  2015.  on protection to her infant  led  the  Ebola  response  in  that  just  because  the  out-
            corded.                      Scientists  then  tested  the  son through breastfeeding.  Liberia  for  the  U.S.  Centers  break is over, there's noth-
            "The  Ebola  virus  hides  in  rest of his family: the wom-  Researchers  reported  ge-  for  Disease  Control  and  ing more to be done," Do-
            places  where  it  can  es-  an,  her  husband  and  their  netic  similarities  between  Prevention, and the study's  kubo said. q

                                                                      Britain has a summer job for

                                                                      you: Count the butterflies

                                                                      LONDON  (AP)  —  What  to  ough,  and  depends  on  The  group  says  butterflies
                                                                      do  during  Britain's  hottest  people  devoting  15  min-  react very quickly to envi-
                                                                      summer  in  years?  Why,  utes  to  counting  butterfly  ronmental  changes,  mak-
                                                                      count butterflies, of course.  species. More than 60,000  ing them excellent indica-
                                                                      Britain is holding a Big But-  volunteers took part in the  tors  of  biodiversity.  It  says
                                                                      terfly Count to help experts  Butterfly  Conservation  sur-  a  decline  in  butterflies  is
                                                                      assess the state of the wild-  vey  last  year.  The  annual  "an early warning" of other
              In this Oct. 20, 2017, file photo, John Miano of Destin, Fla., holds
             a monarch butterfly on his fingertip as he waits for the newly   life environment.   survey began in 2010 and  wildlife  losses.  The  count,
             tagged  insect  to  take  flight  during  the  Panhandle  Butterfly   The count is being backed  the group says it's become  which also helps to identify
             House's Monarch Madness festival in Navarre, Fla.        by  celebrities,  including  the  largest  butterfly  moni-  threatened  species,  goes
                                                     Associated Press  naturalist  David  Attenbor-  toring project in the world.  until Aug. 12.q
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