Page 55 - Changing Lesson
P. 55
84 72 723 at addiction
11 12 121 at childbirth
23 31 443 for chronic pain in general
83 41 783 at motion sickness
77 78 177 at grey star, catarakt
77 78 176 at green star, glaukoma
11 84 744 for regulation of blood pressure, to use at high pressure and low pressure equally
78 19 335 at eating disorder
22 33 311 at insect bites a
21 42 14314 to recapture the 'spark' that was lost in relationships, but only if it is for the Highest
Good of all; to 'reconnect'. (please note this is very high energy, and has two extra digits at the end
of the healing code)
Tky for accepting your own invitation to reboot your program, so you can remember. Your code to
use after rebooting is 55. And your puzzlepiece is ego 55, materisl detachment 55, soulcontract 55,
freewill 55, the truth 55.
Blue Ray Energy Transmuter 55
When feeling psychically and emotionally vulnerable to outside influences, group consciousness or
any negative emotions, the Blue Ray Energy Transmuter can assist. 55
In the Blue Ray 55 is the number sequence for the Power of Archangel Michael.
Say: Not of Love projection, be rectified in the Source Power of Light; Serve now in the higher divine
plan known as Love, Light, Peace.
Power of the Blue Ray, strengthen my energy field of resilience and release all not of harmony to my
being. Thank you.
The Blue Ray Hermit Shell
A tendency for the Blue Ray is to go into the hermit shell, going deeper into the separation of self
and the outer worlds. As this has served as protection in your past while here on the Earth plane,
now you are learning new ways that empower your abilities and strengths.
Experience the allowance of the harmonization of your energy field which can require alone and
quiet and at the same time start sensing the unified field and law of one also there.
Using your intuiting and sensory awareness be open to the unified field and law of one through
Nature. Nature and the realms you have been part of on a grander scale will support and nourish
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015