Page 53 - Changing Lesson
P. 53


95 96 562 for migraine which does not respond to 58 33 554or headache otherwise not responding
to 23 74 555--for example, headache with onset of flu or cold
42 37 346 for eye irritation, especially that which is associated with headache

Back Pain
71 81 533 for back pain in general
71 91 334 for lumbago
87 47 838 for problems with the sciatic nerve
78 78 833 for prolapsed intervertebral disc
89 87 438 for a bulging or herniated intervertebral disc

Chronic Pain
23 31 443 for chronic pain in general
45 46 162 for shingles
91 582 7139 for addiction to pain medications
91 278 596 for obsessive thoughts about managing pain
92 367 9342 to close pain gate receptors linked to complex regional pain syndrome

78 89 535 for first aid in strokes on the way to definitive treatment at hospital
54 32 175 for recovery from a stroke
69 78 55123 to remember how to eat, chew, swallow after grave neurological injury or long-term

Neurological Deficit, Degeneration Symptoms and Infectious Disease
88 21 233 for herpes viruses
33 45 634 for cellular damages of any sort
88 33 421 for hardness of hearing and deafness

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58