Page 48 - Changing Lesson
P. 48
Although the meditation described above is ideal, you can say decrees in the
shower, driving to work, cleaning, etc. If you are decreeing, you are calling in the
Violet Flame energy.
Again, there is no right or wrong way to do this. It's easy and you can be
Opening invocation: In the name of God in the name of the Christ who is in me,
in the name of the Holy Spirit, I invoke the violet flame and I ask the angels of the
Violet Flame to.....(make your request for what you wish to transmute)
I AM a being of Violet Fire, I AM the purity God Desires
(Give at least 3 times, but as many times as you like. It's easy
to remember and can be the only decree you use)
Beloved I AM presence Bright
Round me seal your tube of Light
From Ascended Masters flame
Called forth now in God's own Name
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me
I AM calling forth Violet Fire
To blaze and transmute all desire
Keeping on in Freedoms name
Til I Am one with the Violet flame
(give 3 times)
I AM the Violet flame in action in me now
I AM the violet flame to light alone I bow
I AM the violet flame in mighty cosmic power
I AM the light of God shining every hour
I AM the violet flame blazing like the sun
I AM God's sacred power freeing everyone
(Give 3 times)
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015