Page 44 - Changing Lesson
P. 44


expanded the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with every thought, feeling, word,
or action we expressed.

In order to insure the fulfillment of that facet of the Divine Plan and to keep their Sons and
Daughters focused strictly on the Light, our Father-Mother God gave us ONE admonition,
“Do NOT partake of the Tree of Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL.”

Our God Parents knew that as long as their Sons and Daughters never used our Free Will or
our creative faculties of thought and feeling to empower evil, WHICH IS NOTHING MORE
THAN THE ABSENCE OF LOVE, we would not create the gross mutations of evil which
manifest as poverty, disease, war, greed, crime, corruption, inclement weat

her conditions, the abuse of power, and every other form of pain and suffering.

Our Father-Mother God knew that as long as our Father God’s Power was always balanced
with our Mother God’s Love, and that every choice and decision we made was from the
Loving Wisdom of Christ Consciousness, we would never have to experience painful human
miscreations or deal with the distorted illusions of separation and duality.

But tragically, that was not to be.


There was a point in time when the Sons and Daughters of God made the Free-Will decision
to experiment with our Lifeforce by empowering thoughts and feelings that were not based in
Love or Reverence for Life. Once we made that fateful decision, we began to experience for
the first time the painful effects of our actions. We can use our Lifeforce to create whatever
we choose to empower through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories, and beliefs.
What is important for us to realize is that we are RESPONSIBLE for whatever it is we
choose to create.

Over time, the negative results of our thoughts and feelings caused us to descend into such
painful and discordant frequencies of vibration that we could no longer hear the inner
guidance from our I AM Presence or the Heavenly Realms. We became frightened and
thought that maybe we could eliminate our pain by closing our Heart Chakra and blocking
our ability to feel.

Our Heart Chakra is the portal through which the Love of our Mother God enters the physical
plane. Once we chose to close our Heart Chakra, which blocked the flow of our Mother
God’s Love, she was forced to withdraw. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined
Truth said that fateful decision is the event that is overwhelmingly responsible for our loss of
Christ Consciousness and the sustained pain and suffering Humanity and the Earth have
experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago.

The infinitesimal amount of Divine Love our Mother God was able to project through our
right-brain hemisphere after we closed our Heart Chakra, was barely enough to sustain brain
consciousness. This caused our right brain to become almost dormant. When that occurred,
the Blue Flame of Power from our Father God and the Pink Flame of Love from our Mother
God no longer merged into the perfectly balanced Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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