Page 49 - Changing Lesson
P. 49
Violet Fire penetrate, Violet fire consume, Violet fire raise up in me, Violet fire
illume. Direct your flame, envelope my form, purify my energies in feeling thought
reborn. Take my highest purposes, they divine will to be, set me on the course to
complete I AM mastery. Into the flame I leave a lesser sense of me, rising from that
alchemy I find new victory! (Give 3 times)
I AM forgiveness acting here, casting out all doubt and fear
Setting men forever free with wings of cosmic victory
I AM calling in full power for forgiveness every hour
To all life in every place I flood forth forgiving grace
(Give 3 times)
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, Enfold me now in they mighty magic electronic pillar
of ascended master light substance, make it so powerful that no human creation can
pass through. Within this mighty tube of light, blaze thy Violet Transmuting flame in,
through and around my four lower bodies and consume everything less than thy
perfection. In it's place, charge my world and all I contact with the ascended masters
consciousness, and with the substance and consciousness of each one of the
ascended masters living presence and activity. See that this light keeps me
invisible, invincible and invulnerable to everything but thy almighty presence and
infinitely sensitive to the and thy Divine perfection.
Violet Fire penetrate, Violet Fire consume
Violet Fire raise up in me, Violet fire illume
Direct your flames, envelope my form
purify my energies in feelings, thoughts reborn
Take my highest purpose, thy Divine will to be
Set me on the course to complete I AM mastery
Into the flame I leave a lesser sense of me
Rising from that alchemy I find new Victory!
Closing invocation: In the name of the Christ within me, I ask that the light from
these mantras and decrees be sealed in the physical plain and multiplied as cosmic
law will allow, and I accept it done here and now according to the will of God. And
so it is.
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015