Page 46 - Changing Lesson
P. 46
“Review V: "God is but Love and therefore so am I."
"Let not my mind deny the Thought of God. I am entrusted with the gifts of God."”
Since God is but Love, the Thought of God must be Love. Thus today's lesson is reminding me to not
deny Love. Since God is but Love, His gifts must be gifts of Love. Because Love always extends Itself,
when I am entrusted with God's gift of Love, God has full confidence in me to extend that Love. That
is what the Son of God does. The one Son of God is Love's extension and is given God's full creative
ability to extend that Love.
As I practice letting go of denying Love, which means looking at my barriers to Love and taking them
to the Holy Spirit to be removed, I will see that Love has always been there. It is I who have hidden it
from my awareness. I am being asked here to lay down all resistance to being as I was created.
It is time to let go of the search for specialness and join with my real Identity, God's Love. This is
where my real happiness lies. This is where I find joyous fulfillment and deep gratitude. I ask the
Holy Spirit for His vision and I see the Light of Christ shining in the faces of all my brothers. I feel the
joy of being with friends everywhere. There are no enemies, no adversaries, no competitors. Only
precious companions along a path of Light.
Happiness is found in sharing the journey of awakening. Happiness is found in seeing a brother
recognize his Light, as I recognize mine. Gratitude is multiplied each time a shadow of guilt is
forgiven and the Light of Love is released to be Itself.
Holy Spirit, help me to lay aside all judgments today and see the Light of Love everywhere I look.
Help me to bless as I have been blessed by Your holy Presence in my mind.
Dear God, let me not deny Your oneness today. I open to Your Thoughts today. I open to Your Love.
These are Your gifts and I would accept them today. Your gifts are all I have. Your gifts are all I am.
There is no opposite to Your Love and I would remember that today.
"Only precious companions along a path of light." That is going to be my guide today. What a perfect
thought to direct my actions. How can I be angry or frustrated with others if I see them as my
precious companions? How can I feel lonely when I am literally surrounded by precious companions.
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015