Page 41 - Changing Lesson
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stimulation program based on the Mayan Tzolkin calendar, which will activate dormant brain cells and
capabilities. It prompts the brain to rewire itself, upgrades your DNA, nervous system and immune system while
expanding your consciousness. This program can be found on the website under the
“Elvea Life Enhancement Systems” link (scroll down to the 10th cd) After this program start listening to the
Rebirth cd, also for a 26 day period. This cd can be found under the “Products” link. It will be the 5th cd on the
right of the screen. Also immediately start practicing The Maharic Shield meditation twice daily. These cd's and
meditation will dramatically increase your body's ability to process and utilize Light/radiant energy, which will
increase your vibration to a level necessary for ascension. This way you will be directly starting your ascension
while reading these info.Science shows us that we use less than 10% of our brains. We therefor have a limited
consciousness and only perceive a fraction of the real world out there. Science also shows that 90% of our DNA
is inactive and is called “Junk DNA”. It is time we upgrade ourselves. We can activate the rest of our brain
power and we can activate the rest of our DNA. Just imagine the Angelic Beings we would and will become.
Review V: "God is but Love and therefore so am I." "There is no death. The
Son of God is free. Now are we one with Him Who is our Source."
The ego would have me believe that the time that we would be one with our Source is a long way off. The
lesson today tells us that now we are one with God, Who is our Source. We are one now. I find it is helpful
to think about that. We all are one with God now. God is Where we came from and God is Where we are
now. Our real dwelling place is in Heaven with God. And we dwell in Heaven now with God. I find it helpful
to think about the fact that we all are in Heaven now. We are all joined as one, now. It is not off in the
future, but now.
Holy Spirit, I open my mind to You, that I may remember that I am still one with my Source. I am still in
Heaven along with everyone. There has never been any separation. I open my mind to You so that I may
remember this when I feel frustrated or afraid. I open my mind to You so that Your healing Light will shine
away all my false ideas of limitation and belief in a world of time and space.
Help my willingness to recognize the eternal truth. The Son of God is still one in God. The Life we all live in
God is eternal happiness. Let me not try to make something else real. Help me lay down my foolish dreams
of being separate from God and my brother. The Son of God is still one with God. All That God created is
still Love and nothing else. Holy Spirit, thank You for holding the Light and helping my foolish dreams fall
away. Thank You.
God is eternal Life. The belief in death is an attempt to limit God and therefore is a fantasy that could never
be true. All the things I see in the world that seem to have the potential to harm me or change me in any
way are symbols of belief in death. They represent the idea that it is possible to change God.
If I remain one with an unchangeable, eternal Source, then it is impossible that I could be changed. I am as
changeless as my Source. As I allow myself to fully accept this fact, it brings me great comfort. In truth I am
invulnerable. There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to feel guilty about because I have not done the
impossible. I have not changed God nor His Son. My brother, Who is the Son of God along with me, shares
the Son's invulnerability, his changelessness. Therefore I could no more harm my brother than I could be
harmed. There is no death. The Son of God is free.
As I can fully accept this idea, I can forgive myself for what I thought I did but never happened. As I release
myself, I release my brother, for I no longer feel a need to project my perceived guilt upon another.
My perfect safety lies in my oneness with my Source. Here there is no death. Here there is no limitation. I
am free. I need not worry about what may come tomorrow nor fear consequences of something I think
happened in the past. I am perfectly safe now in my changeless, eternal Source. My Source is my Home
and I am free.
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015