Page 45 - Changing Lesson
P. 45


Our Father-Mother God’s balanced Violet Flame was the catalyst that activated our spiritual
brain centers and opened our Crown Chakra, so we could receive the flow of Christ
Consciousness into our pineal gland. Without the support of the Violet Flame, our spiritual
brain centers began to atrophy. This forced our Crown Chakra to close. This tragedy
prevented us from receiving the flow of Christ Consciousness and from staying connected
with our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.

Once we lost Christ Consciousness and the awareness of our I AM Presence and the
Company of Heaven, we started to perceive the physical plane as our only reality. We came
to the distorted conclusion that our physical body is all that we are and that the gratification
of our physical senses is our purpose and reason for being. As we plodded through our
Earthly existence making choices that were not based in Love and that took us further into
separation and duality, we became more and more confused. We developed a fragmented
personality, a fear-based alter ego. This fear-based human ego usurped control of our Free
Will and manipulated our creative faculties of thought and feeling. Since our human ego
believed that its sole purpose was to gratify our physical senses, it decided that whatever it
needed to do to accomplish that goal would be just fine. This self-serving decision gave our
ego permission to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get whatever it wanted. These destructive
behavior patterns catapulted us further into darkness and greatly amplified our pain and

Without the balance of our Mother God’s Love, we began abusing our Masculine Power. Our
fear-based ego made power-oriented decisions that did not take into consideration how our
choices would affect other people, or if they reflected a Reverence for Life. When we were in
male bodies we abused our power by being violent and aggressive. When we were in female
bodies, we abused our power by suppressing it and allowing ourselves to be dominated and
oppressed. The more we abused our power, the deeper we fell into the abyss of our human

Since our initial fall from Grace, the Company of Heaven has been doing everything in Its
power to awaken Humanity and to help us return to Christ Consciousness, so we can reverse
the adverse effects of our negative behavior patterns and return to the Path of Divine Love
and Reverence for Life. The problem is that we got ourselves into this mess by deliberately
creating thoughts and feelings that were not based in Love. Consequently, we alone are
responsible for transmuting our human miscreation’s back into Light. and returning to the
Path of Divine Love, which is the ONLY way for us to once again attain Christ
Consciousness. The Company of Heaven will assist us in myriad ways to accomplish that
mighty feat if we ask for their assistance, but they cannot intervene without our permission.
Remember, “ask and you shall receive.”

Listen to your Heart and ask your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven what you can
do to take full advantage of this Cosmic Opportunity to Return to Christ Consciousness.
Living the Path of Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life will change your life in
profound and wondrous ways.

Regardless of how far you may feel you are from attaining Christ Consciousness through
your I AM Presence and the assistance of the Company of Heaven your transformation could
be a Breath away.

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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