Page 42 - Changing Lesson
P. 42
April 7, 2015 We have just been through an Eclipse Series that bathed the Earth and all her Life with the most
intensified influx of Light Humanity has ever experienced. What does that mean for each of us individually and
where do we go from here?
Well, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have affirmed that we are truly in uncharted waters.
For the very first time since we fell into the abyss of separation and duality aeons ago and lost Christ
Consciousness, which is the enlightened state of awareness we were invested with by our Father-Mother God at
our inception, Humanity en masse is in a position to RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. This means we
are now vibrating at a frequency of Light that will allow us to actually reverse the adverse effects of our fall
from Grace and reclaim our Divine Birthright as Christ Conscious Sons and Daughters of God. This is a
critical step in our Ascension process and it is something that every man, woman, and child must accomplish in
order to fulfill this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. This is true whether or not a person acknowledges or
comprehends this profound Truth.
Because of the misinformation and disinformation about what Christ Consciousness truly means and the doubt
in the minds of many as to whether or not the masses of Humanity could possibly attain that level of
enlightenment, people are very confused. For that reason the Company of Heaven is reiterating the information
they have shared with us over the years about this subject. Here is a brief overview of the information pouring
forth from the Realms of Illumined Truth. Please take this information into the deepest recesses of
your Heart and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth about Humanity’s
unprecedented opportunity to return to Christ Consciousness.
When we were first breathed forth from the Core of Creation as individualized Sons and
Daughters of God, we were Birthed into an awakened state of Christ Consciousness. At that
time, we were also invested with the creative faculties of thought and feeling, and given the
gift of Free Will. We then received our gift of Life. This is our Lifeforce, the electronic Light
substance that beats our heart, activates our brain, and enables us to think, feel, breathe,
move, and exist as individualized expressions of our Father-Mother God.
The original Divine Plan was for the Sons and Daughters of God to learn how to become
cocreators with our God Parents. Through our Free-Will choices and our unique ways of
thinking and feeling, the intent was for us to create previously unknown expressions of
Divinity that would increase the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God. This would
expand exponentially the all-encompassing Divine Matrix that is our Father-Mother God’s
Body. The Body of God is the forcefield of Infinite Light and Divine Love within which
every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation lives, moves, breathes, and
has its Being.
Our Father-Mother God determined that the most efficient way for us to learn how to become
cocreators would be for us to exist within the constraints of a 3rd-dimensional time and space
continuum. This would allow us to experience what we were choosing to create through our
thoughts and feelings in a much more tangible and physical way than would be possible in
the timeless, spaceless frequencies of the Higher Dimensions.
With that decision, the Sons and Daughters of God who were destined to embody in our Solar
System, on Planet Earth, began their Earthly sojourns.
When we were first embodied on Earth as Sons and Daughters of God, the hemisphere of our
left-brain was activated by the Masculine Polarity of our Father God. That Polarity of God
manifests as a sapphire blue Ray of Light that pulsates with the Masculine Qualities of
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015