Page 38 - Changing Lesson
P. 38



By Troika Saint Germain, Copyright 2006

All of Life is Energy that vibrates at various frequencies. Each frequency has its own life patterns and
manifestations. The simplest example is that of a radio. Each frequency or station has unique
programming. If you change the station . . . you change the tune.

The Universe is the ultimate "radio" and we each vibrate at our own frequency. The way we can
change our personal life, or that of planet Earth, is to shift frequency to "play the tune" we wish to
be or to create.

Ascended Master Saint Germain has said that, in truth, all one really needs to do to change any
aspect of their life, heal any dis-ease, create abundance, or achieve Transfiguration of the physical
body into the Ascended Realm, is to raise their vibration and frequency.

What does it mean to raise one's vibration or to increase one's frequency?

Vibrational frequency is defined as the rate at which the atoms and sub-particles of a being or object
vibrate. The higher this vibrational frequency, the closer it is to the frequency of Light. Everything we
do, every word we speak and thought we think sends out a vibration that attracts to it an experience
of like vibration. Very simply stated, if we send out fear, we attract fear. If we send out love, we
attract love.

Raising of frequency can be done by anyone. In addition to the personal benefits gained by vibrating
to a higher frequency are the profound effects produced in the world and all life forms. Each person
who shifts higher affects the entire planet, as all of life is lifted along with them to a certain degree.
This is the way that World Peace can be achieved. It is already happening in many ways naturally as
the vibration of the Earth is being raised in preparation for the Ascension into the Golden Age which
is the Shift every religion has predicted

There are many ways to achieve a vibrational shift into a higher frequency. Your Intention to do so is
an important first step. Various ways to raise your personal vibration are:

Working with the Violet Flame to transmute karma, negative emotions and actions, and heavy
energy is extremely effective and important.

Prayers and energy work with your Higher Self, Ascended Masters, Angels, other Guides of Light,
and of course, the I AM Presence.

Choosing Higher States of Consciousness and actions. I say, "choosing" because we DO have choices
available to us. We can make the choice to be Non-judgmental, Kind, Considerate, Calm, Peaceful,
Loving and Grateful. As we consciously chose these states, we become those states permanently, all
of which are High Vibrations.

Surround yourself with people, places and objects of High Vibrational Frequencies. This is easily
done through your choices. For instance: chose calm and soothing music over loud and discordant
rap; choose to wear and be surrounded by colors that are called the pure jewel tones and pastels
over muddy and murky ones, or "wild" patterns; select art and photos of Angels, Masters and Sacred
Sites for your bedroom and work areas; choose friends who are also on a spiritual path and have

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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