Page 34 - Changing Lesson
P. 34


Everyone's true Identity is safe. Everyone's true Identity is Love and nothing else. Today I practice
remembering this truth again and again until Love is the only thing I see because I remember Love is
the only thing that is real.

All day I have been very aware of every time I have had an unloving thought. Each time it has
happened, I have stopped myself and thought about it. I have seen these thoughts as weapons of
destruction that, when wielded, harm the intended victim and then come back like a boomerang and
harm me. I have stopped kidding myself about my intention when I defend myself. All attack is
meant to hurt, and it is myself I hurt the most by teaching myself that I am vulnerable.

Each time, I have articulated the unloving thoughts as clearly as I can and then laid them at the feet
of Holy Spirit. In my mind I now have an empty place that Holy Spirit can fill with a new perception,
one that is closer to the truth.

My practice now is opening to the truth. The truth is that all is Love. My body's eyes do not show me
this. But I am quietly learning to look past the separate body to the one Love that is always there.

I am going through a daily mind retraining process. My ideas about individuality, vulnerability, time
and space are being undone. I am learning that only the holy instant is eternally true. Only God,
Which is Love, is true. The rest is a dream and it is false.

Only the Holy Spirit in my mind can show me the difference between what is real and what is unreal.
This is an ongoing process. Each day I practice having a clean and open mind. I practice opening a
space for the Holy Spirit. I practice letting the Light of the Holy Spirit heal my conflicted mind. I
practice being open to receive the truth. I come back to remembering that only God's eternal
changeless Love is real.

I may forget again and again, but now I know the path to freedom, and that is a return to joining
with the Holy Spirit to have my false ideas be undone once again. That is all time is for. My practice
of seeing my brothers as Love and nothing else is very important to me now. It strengthens my
remembering. It strengthens my return to Love.

Only Love has ever been real at all. The rest is just silly illusions and mean nothing. Today I would
rather be happy than right. Today I would practice stepping back and again leaving space for the
Holy Spirit so that my mind can be healed again of another false idea.

If I am to know my Self as Love, I have to give up the denial of Love. Defensiveness denies Love, for it
sets me apart with the idea that I am separate from my brother. Defenselessness acknowledges the
one Self I share with all my brothers. There is no need to defend against what is one with me. If I
would know my Self, I cannot hold resentments against a brother. I cannot judge anyone as different
from me. I cannot equate myself with a weak and vulnerable body, born to die. I cannot perceive
myself as vulnerable to destructive outside forces. All these deny that I am Love as God is.

As I give up denial of my Self, I begin to feel It's certainty, the peace that comes with knowing there
is no 'other' to defend against, nothing outside me that can harm me in any way. I settle into a
serene and deep inner peace. I open to the Light of Love that has always been What I am.

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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