Page 30 - Changing Lesson
P. 30


Today's lesson is asking us to exemplify what we are learning from the
Course. To truly have the gifts the Course is offering us we must live them. It is not enough to just

repeat the words that God has given me His joy and His Love. I need to accept His joy and be joyous.
This is how I offer salvation to the world. This is how I offer joy to my brother -- by demonstrating
joy. I can only demonstrate joy when I align my will with God's, when I remember that His Will and
mine are one and the same.

If I perceive myself attacked by a brother and respond with attack, I have made the world real and
denied my Creator's Will. His Will is to love and nothing else. The more I am able to take my
thoughts of attack to the Holy Spirit to let them be transformed, the more I will live in peace and joy
and the more I will give the gifts of peace and joy. The transformation of my thoughts and beliefs
comes in many ways, but the end result is that what I perceived as attack I have been led to see as a
call for Love.

Sometimes I recognize the call for Love in another. Sometimes I recognize the call for Love in myself.
And oftentimes I see it in both. The Holy Spirit always answers those calls for Love with Love. He
reminds me that God created me in Love, has not changed His Mind about me, and so I already have
the Love I seek. He reminds me that I am worthy because God has deemed me worthy. Sometimes
the transformation of perception leads to an action or expression to a brother to help Him know that
he is loved in a form that he can receive. Sometimes it is only a thought of Love in my mind that I can
offer, but always, as I give the gift, I receive the gift. I feel the strength of Love in my heart grow.

Today let me recognize the Love that I have and am. Let me freely give It so that I may receive It's
blessing. Thus do I fulfill God's trust in me that He has demonstrated by His gifts to me.

God's gifts to me are His Love, His peace and His joy. God's gift to me is true happiness. God's gift to
me is Heaven. Jesus tells us in earlier lessons that we are Heaven. We have been given Heaven. It is
our only Identity. Our job now is to let go of wandering in the wilderness like the prodigal son. Our
job now is to accept our inheritance from our Father in Heaven. Our job now is to be willing to be led
back to Heaven by the Holy Spirit.

We can tell if we are allowing ourselves to be led back to Heaven by the amount of peace, love and
joy we let in to our awareness. When we let peace, love and joy into our awareness, we feel it. We
are one with these gifts. When we are one with these gifts, we spontaneously give these gifts of
peace, love and joy. When we receive Love we give Love. Within the action of receiving is the action
of giving. It is all one.

It is interesting to recognize that the most important thing we can give any brother is the gift of
peace, the gift of Love, the gift of joy. In order to give these gifts, we must first receive them. And
inherent in receiving them is giving them. So today my top priority is to give God's peace, God's Love
and God's joy to everyone, because God's gifts are always all inclusive. I do this by being willing to
receive God's gifts.

My practice today is asking myself often, "Am I actively receiving God's gifts of peace, love and joy
right now?" If not, my job is to open my mind to the Holy Spirit and ask with desire. What I ask for in
my heart of hearts I will receive. What a wonderful opportunity I have today -- the practice of
receiving the gifts of God and giving them away.

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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