Page 27 - Changing Lesson
P. 27


This lesson clearly explains how and why we react to each other the way we do. There are no words
to tell my Heavenly Father "thank you" for getting these messages of love to us. We are all on this
journey together and the dedication to these lessons are for our own sanity, our own salvation and, I
would guess, years of needless suffering. These lessons truly are gifts and I am grateful for my
awareness of them.

Lesson 162 “I am as God created me.”

Jesus knows what will help us. There is nothing in this world that can harm us or save us in any way.
"I am as God created me" helps me let go of my belief in this world. This world is an illusion. I am
only dreaming of a world of separation. I am still as God created me. Truth is true and nothing else is

It is my attraction to the stories of this world that holds me to this world. "I am as God created me"
helps me recognize the truth. It helps me recognize that nothing could ever really happen but God.
God is. Love is. And then we cease to speak. "I am as God created me" simply recognizes the truth.
When my mind wanders in dreams again, I bring it back by remembering again, "I am as God created
me." Such is the truth.

Because I have such need of it, I know it will help me to remember God's Words today as many times
as possible. "I am as God created me." These words bring relief from my sick dreams of a world of
separation. I know the words of today's lesson are the truth.

I need this practice today and every day. I begin in the present moment. And through the day if I
forget, as soon as I remember, I will return again to, "I am as God created me." It is the only cure for
all the false beliefs found in the dream of separation. None of them are true. There is only one Self.
We are all united as Love in the Mind of God. All is still Love, as God created It.

"I am as God created me" goes hand in hand with the often stated thought, "ideas leave not their
source." God is Mind, and therefore His ideas are His creations. My Self is an Idea in the Mind of God
and It has not left Its Source. I am not a body, nor am I what the body does. I am not the thoughts I
seem to think when I am identified with the body. These thoughts are not shared with God and are
therefore not real thoughts. Since these are the thoughts I am usually aware of, I am usually not
aware of my Self, as God created me.

Reminding myself that I am as God created me is another way of loosening my identification with
the body. This release from identification with an unreal image is essential for me to receive the gifts
that God gave me in my creation. His gifts are not of the world of separation. His gifts are not
temporary, but eternal. Thus His gift of my Self is eternal. The truth about me is eternal, changeless
and unchangeable. It cannot be harmed, so I am safe. All thoughts of fear of any kind can only occur
because I believe I am something other than what God created, that I can in some way be changed.

As I practice replacing every thought of fear with the idea that I am as God created me, peace
returns to my awareness. I am safe. That can never change. I am grateful for these lessons, which
gently lead me back to this awareness.

It is time for us to discuss the various healing codes and how to use them. These codes are quantum
healing tools that are safe to use on everything and everybody, and have no side effects.

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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