Page 28 - Changing Lesson
P. 28
Since they are quantum, the intent and the energy of the person using them has a little bit of ‘effect’
in how powerful they are going to be when they are used.
In the hands of someone with a powerful heart energy–which has more to do in your strength of
purpose and your ability to be actively involved in your Life’s Mission and connected to source than
anything else–they will work instantly. With lower energies they still are effective, but perhaps not
as dramatic in their results.
“Now are we one with Him Who is our Source.”
After being shown in yesterday's lesson how the thought of death shows up in this world, today's
lesson reminds us of what Christ's vision will show us. Do we want to experience the place of peace
within us that is untouched by the turmoil of the world? Christ's vision shows it to us. Do we want to
remember the holiness in us that is untouched by any thought of sin? Christ's vision shows it to us.
Do we want to feel God's joy in all its fullness? This too Christ's vision offers us.
How do we receive Christ's vision? By letting go of all the things we think we want in this world. The
Course shows us again and again that the forms of this world offer us nothing. But if we value these
forms, we will not be able to see what Christ's vision offers us. We see death and destruction instead
of eternal life. We see sin and guilt instead of holiness and innocence, which is our reality. We are
not asked to sacrifice anything of value. We are simply being asked to recognize the valueless for
what it is. When we recognize that it is valueless, we automatically let it go.
We are being asked today to lay down all the valueless and leave our minds open to the loving,
joyous vision of Christ and bring that vision to the world. If we expect people to behave in certain
ways, say certain things, in order for us to feel happy or safe or accepted or appreciated, we cannot
receive the vision of Christ. But as we set aside our likes and dislikes and the many demands we
make upon the world in order for us to be happy, we make room for Christ's holy vision to show us
the Light where we thought there was only shadows, to show us the Love where we thought was
fear, to show us the joy in place of sorrow, the peace in place of conflict.
As we learn to see with His vision, we offer His vision to the world. We become a Light amongst the
dark shadows of the world. We become God's messengers of Love with a message that offers
healing and peace.
Today I will practice setting aside my petty preferences and clear my mind to receive Christ's vision.
“Let not my mind deny the Thought of God.”
This lesson gets to the core of what A Course in Miracles is all about. Jesus brought the Course to us
because we have denied What we are and Where we are. We are denying that we are in Heaven
now. We are denying that we are a Thought in the Mind of God. As the first sentence says, "What
makes this world seem real except your own denial of the truth that lies beyond?" This lesson and
the whole Course is there for us to help us change our mind about this denial. This lesson and the
whole Course is there for us to help us change our mind about what we desire.
When we desire the truth, we will receive it. When we desire to see illusions, we will see that. All
through the Course, Jesus tells us again and again that the desire to see a world of separate bodies
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015