Page 26 - Changing Lesson
P. 26
Today I will practice again being open to Christ's vision to see past the false images to the Light of
innocence everywhere. The Light of innocence is where I am truly at Home. In the Light of innocence
I find all my brothers and I recognize my Father, my Creator, my Source, my strength.
Lesson 161 “Give me your blessing, holy Son of God.”
In this lesson Jesus provides an important key in the undoing of the dream. First he helps me
understand that when I see bodies, it is a projection of fear that is coming from my own mind. But
he doesn't leave it at that. He shows me a way to reverse that seeing. He gives me a practice to see
the Christ in my brother instead of focusing on his body. That is why the title is "Give me your
blessing, holy Son of God."
When I see the Christ in my brother, I receive a blessing. When I see holiness in my brother, it helps
me see the holiness in myself. This practice helps me undo my projections of fear. It helps me
change my mind. This practice helps me open to the truth to receive Heaven's blessing.
Jesus reminds me that I see only what I want to see and my body's ears hear only what I want to
hear. In this lesson, Jesus is encouraging me to expand my willingness to see the Christ instead of
seeing bodies. As my willingness to see the Christ expands, I will see the Christ instead of seeing
bodies. I get what I focus on. Jesus reminds me that one brother is all brothers.
Today my practice is to see the Christ in everyone. It is the only reality. This is the key to the undoing
of the dream. This is my key to awakening to the truth about myself and my brother. This is my way
out of fear. This is the way I return to Love. Am I willing to accept the truth today? The practice of
today's lesson shows me how.
This world is a world of projection. For projection to work, it must have an object to project upon. A
movie projector shows us nothing without a screen to reflect the images it projects. In the same
way, if there is no object for us to project our fear and anger upon, there is no basis for the fear and
anger. Thus to the ego thought system of separation, the body is the central symbol onto which it
projects fear, anger and guilt. The ego's purpose for the body is to use it as a means to show us
justification for our fear and make it seem real. It seems to work, because we believe the body is
As we practice seeing with Christ vision, we withdraw our belief in the reality of the body. The
reflection of projected fear and guilt fades and the face of Christ in our brother comes forward,
showing us instead his innocence and our own. The idea of not seeing ourselves or anyone as a body
is so central to the Course that in a later review we repeat many times a day for 20 days, "I am not a
body, I am free. I am still as God created me." Today's lesson is a step in moving our awareness in
that direction.
Holy Spirit I ask Your help and Your strength to guide me to see the face of Christ in all my brothers
today so that I may receive their gift that shows me my perfect innocence.
I like the part in the lesson that says that rage projected fear shrieks in wrath and claws the air in
frantic hope it can reach to its maker and devour him. That explains what it feels like is happening in
my mind many times. I can be fine one minute, but as soon as I let my mind wander with the ego, it
feels like all hell breaks loose in my mind and next thing I know is I'm back in insanity wondering
where my peace went.
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015