Page 23 - Changing Lesson
P. 23


am learning, because it is in the sharing that I strengthen it in my own awareness. Each time I share, I
feel stronger.

My Light is brighter as I see the Light in my brothers grow stronger. The Light has always been there
and never changes. But as I release myself from illusions of separation from the Light, from illusions
of darkness, I become more and more aware of the everlasting Light that is my Source. Today I hold
Holy Spirit's hand and let Him lead the way to show me what is true and real and give me His
strength to lay aside the childish toys of illusion that do not serve me. I walk to God.

Learning to step back takes willingness, practice and patience. It takes remembering that what I have
learned in the past means nothing. It means letting the Holy Spirit take over the reins. It means not
deciding what anything means on my own. I have found this to be quite challenging at times.

Many times I do not even realize I have retaken the reins and have returned to deciding that I know
what something means based on what I learned before. As soon as I notice it, my job is again to step
back and move into a place of openness and receptivity to the Holy Spirit. In that quiet place the
Holy Spirit is always there, waiting for my willingness to step back again. Holy Spirit is the bridge that
returns me to my true Self. But to get on that bridge, I must be willing to step back, open my mind
and be receptive to the truth.

This world is an illusion. My experience of this world depends on what I am looking for. If I am
looking for separation, being an individual and having a private "life" where I make decisions on my
own, I will find it. If instead I am looking for a return to God, a return to oneness, a return to eternal
Love, the way will be made for me to find it. This is my decision. What I seek for I will find.

If I choose to return to my Source, to God, I must learn to step back. I must learn that all that I have
learned in the world means nothing. God's laws are not the world's laws. God's Mind is the opposite
of this world's thought system. I must be willing to let go of all the world's false ideas. This is what I
find when I practice stepping back and not trying to make decisions on my own. The Holy Spirit
always waits patiently for my return.

Because the Holy Spirit knows that this world is just an illusion that is coming from the false ego
mind, It just smiles when I think I have a problem. As I ask that my thoughts be purified, all the
distress just seems to fall away. What was in turmoil now becomes calm. Worries are quieted. I am
able to see each situation differently. Only God's united Love matters and what does not matter is
not my concern. All is well. There is nothing to fear. It feels like I have been lifted up and have been
allowed to see the Love behind the illusion. This is so comforting and reassuring. The truth is true
and nothing else is true. All is eternally safe. All is well no matter what the appearances made up by
the ego look like.

The real world is always there waiting for my willingness to see it. All is safe. All is well in the Mind of
God. When I am willing to step back and let Him lead the way, this is what I am shown. I am shown
the Reality behind the illusions. I am shown that there is nothing more important than being willing
to do this more and more each day as I walk along the road of return to Him.

I walk to the music of God. God sets the rhythm. God sets the melody. I walk in step with it as I
follow the music. God goes before me and I walk in that flow of harmony and love. God leads the
way to God in perfect harmony and order, at just the right pace. The great dance of love and

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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