Page 22 - Changing Lesson
P. 22
separate from God. The ego is the part of mind that dreams the dreams to experience various
situations, but then gets lost in its own little kingdom surrounded by defenses.
The Voice for God is everywhere. It is in all things, all places, all people. Only ego mind sees them as
apart from God. Nothing is apart from God, no matter what the form appearances. The body life is
neutral. It is only a construction. It means only what I think it means.
It is only in laying down the ego defenses that I can find my True Self. I can only find this in my mind.
It is in my mind where I truly live. It is only in mind that I can find my True Self because this is where I
truly live. Today I choose the meaning of my True Self. Today I choose to lay down the falsely
constructed ego defenses with the help of Holy Spirit, for it is only in the defenselessness of my mind
that I find my True Strength. When I see Oneness in my mind, then I see Oneness everywhere.
I had a very busy day. Lots to get done, tight time schedule, unexpected stresses. I didn't remember
every hourly prayer, but before I left for work I asked Holy Spirit to make me aware of each time I
was feeling defensive. It made for an interesting day. Mostly a lot of little things that normally I
would not have paid a lot of attention to but cumulatively would have worn me down. Things like
having an old man pull out in front of me and nearly cause a wreck. I could feel my forehead
wrinkling and my mouth turning down in disapproval. I thought to myself, "What are you doing you
old fart?"
Then I heard Holy Spirit reminding me that I didn't need to defend myself against old farts, and I felt
a sense of gratitude that I was sent this reminder. Over and over today I found that I was giving away
my peace in an effort to protect and defend my body. There were many opportunities for me to see
that I have been responding to all kinds of perceived threats with defensiveness. It also gave me
many opportunities to choose differently, to offer my bothers love instead. It felt good to do this.
This is another of those lessons I need to work on daily for about a year!
“I will step back and let Him lead the way.”
This lesson is comforting and inspiring to me as it challenges me to strengthen my commitment and
focus on walking the way to God. After reading through it I felt uplifted and assured that I do not
walk alone. I always have with me a mighty Companion and Guide, Who always guides me on the
way to truth. My only job is to follow, not lead, not decide on my own what to do or what anything
means. I felt inspired to accept the challenge to redouble my efforts to be mindful of my thoughts
and attitudes.
The path to God is a path of peace and happiness and unlimited Love. It is surely worth the effort to
pay attention to the diversions I have given energy to and identified with that interfere with my
awareness of the path of joy that leads to God. The choice for truth is more clear and illusions are a
bit more obvious to me. The choice becomes easier and easier as I am more willing to let Him lead
the way.
I am also reminded that this journey brings with it a responsibility, but not a burden. The
responsibility is to all my brothers along with me, for we share one Self. As I walk to God and
become more and more aware of His unifying Love, I become more and more aware of the Love that
joins me with all my brothers. As I walk the journey, I cannot help but share what I have learned and
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015