Page 24 - Changing Lesson
P. 24
creation, each step as graceful as a ballerina in perfect balance, each step light, airy, vibrant. Yes, I
walk to God today with a heart full of joy and tenderness, skipping to the beat of the way home. The
melody encourages me to continue and the way seems easier as I follow it. Yes, today I walk to God
with God's music leading the way. There can be no greater joy than this. Every step confidently filled
with love, joy and peace. Every step filled with grace and gratitude.
My goal today is to have that more frequent smile, the serene forehead, the quiet eyes this lesson
speaks of. It's only with commitment and dedication to this course that I have the awareness that
this goal is possible to reach. And it is by this same commitment and dedication that I have learned
that the only way to reach this goal is by stepping back and allowing myself to be led.
I never realized before that I learned to accept and adjust to discomfort in my life, but today, even
though I still have uncomfortable moments, I'm learning not to judge situations, but instead to step
back. And even though I don't always "hear" the answer, I'm learning not to come to any conclusions
by myself. Sometimes I'm not sure where I'm being lead to, but I know it feels good and only gets
better if I just trust.
“I give the miracles I have received.”
Before I can give a miracle, I must receive a miracle. Receiving a miracle is receiving Christ's vision.
Christ's vision provides the bridge by which my mind, which has been lost in separation, is returned
back to the truth. Christ's vision brings an awareness of the truth of the Light behind every form.
Christ's vision reminds me that all is still as God created it. All are innocent. All are still Love in the
Mind of God.
Christ's vision is the gift of the Holy Spirit. To receive Christ's vision I must be open to receiving the
truth and willing to let go of illusions. I must be willing to relax my hold on what I think is real. I must
be willing to soften and allow the miracle to be given me. I must be open to Holy Spirit's healing
perspective. The Holy Spirit heals all thoughts of lack, sickness, division or differences of any kind.
The Holy Spirit brings me peace and a remembrance of the everlasting Love that we all are.
With practice, my willingness is growing day by day to be open to receiving the miracle of Christ's
vision from the Holy Spirit. There is no gift more important to receive and then give. I continue this
process of practice again today knowing that if I am truly willing, I will receive Christ's vision and I
will give as I receive.
Christ's vision is a dream of awakening, a dream of a forgiven world. It does not require that I
transcend the world to receive it. But rather it is the means to transcend the world. Christ's vision
shows me a reflection of Heaven so clear that it is a simple and easy step from His vision to the
reality of Heaven. As it told us in yesterday's lesson, we can learn to see with Christ's vision and we
can teach that vision to others. In fact that is the only meaningful purpose we can have in this world.
Today it reinforces that to know I have His vision, I must give it. The miracle is the exchange of the
perception of guilt for the perception of innocence. As I see innocence in my brother, I recognize it in
myself. As I see innocence in myself, I reinforce it and strengthen it by seeing it in my brother. I
always receive what I give. Christ's vision shows me the call for Love in expressions of anger and fear.
It inspires me to answer the call with Love. As I answer with Love, I teach myself that I am Love and
that I am safe.
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015