Page 31 - Changing Lesson
P. 31


I have succeeded in making it a habit to ask Holy Spirit to take my thoughts of attack and transform
them. Though I don't always do it, I do it more often than not. It is making a huge difference in my
life. I realized this morning that I almost never follow my request by asking for God's Love and

I am not asking for joy. I think this tells me that I am resisting my true Self and clinging instead to the
self I made. I think the only way to change this is by a conscious decision to do so. I will spend today
reminding myself that I want God's gifts of peace love and joy and asking for them. I am sure that
receiving them will increase my motivation.

It is essential I do this because I must have them so that I can give them away. This is my part in the
salvation of the world. I think that unconsciously I was beginning to realize what I've been doing
because lately it has been bothering me a lot that I am so seldom accepting these gifts from God.
I've been talking to Holy Spirit about it, but somehow I've been thinking of them as rewards, nice but
hardly necessary, and perhaps not deserved yet. I see it differently now and I thank God for this new

Cruelty comes from fear and fear comes from belief in separation. One of the key ideas in this lesson
is, "ideas leave not their source." To the split mind, separation is real and therefore fear is real and
cruelty is real.

Jesus is inviting me to let go of the belief in separation. From our belief in separation from God
comes an out picturing of a false world that is the opposite of God. From God comes knowing
oneness, all Love being all. Jesus reminds me to make another choice today and leave my belief in
the world of separation behind. He reminds me to lay down my defenses against this world because
it is a false world that is coming from the false split mind, the insane mind. He invites me to follow
Him to open to seeing the unity behind the false images of separation. He invites me to open to
seeing the Love behind the call for Love. He invites me to open to seeing the truth behind the
barriers to Love.

He reminds me that making the false world real only brings me the experience of pain, guilt, fear and
death. It brings me the experience of lack and conflict and the need to defend against an outside
enemy. He shows me how to lay this down. He shows me that my experience is coming from my
choosing to join with the split mind, the mind that teaches that separation is real.

He tells me that if I am willing to step back from the false mind, that I will find freedom. I will find
true and everlasting peace. I will find the joy of oneness. I will find eternal happiness. He tells me
that everything is confused and upside down in this insane world of separation and reminds me it is
not true and I do not need to continue to believe in it. If I defend against this fearful world, I will
make it real again. Laying it down, letting it go is the only answer. He reminds me that I have the
Voice of Sanity in my mind and that by joining with the Voice of Sanity; I can open to and receive the
real solution to every problem.

Ideas leave not their source. If I join with the ego split mind, I will see cruelty. I will see a reason to
fear. If I instead join with the Holy Spirit, I will see the Holy Spirit in every mind, for the Holy Spirit
knows all that is real is one. The Holy Spirit joins with Reality and sees Reality.

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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