Page 47 - Changing Lesson
P. 47
How to use the Violet Flame
The Violet Flame is invoked through "decreeing". Decree's and Mantras have a
mystical power to them. They invoke the power and spirit of your innate divinity, the
power of God that resides within you.
Decrees are spoken out loud and release the power of the Word through the throat
chakra. That is because the word is the original divine essence, the original healing
tool. When you speak a decree out loud, you are drawing upon spirit so that God
can act in your life. It can also be invoked through meditation but may not be as
powerful as the decreeing.
Whenever possible, use the decreeing with visualization. "See" in your mind's eye
what you are saying. This activates your third eye chakra and accelerates your
spiritual work even more. Then, infuse your words with love, and "feel" a burning
love expanding in your heart chakra. Love is God and God is love. When you love,
you are God in action and God's energy fulfills itself through you to work miracles in
your life.
Find a place where you won't be disturbed and sit comfortably with your spine and
head erect, legs and arms uncrossed.
(1) Take a few slow deep breaths and center your heart; focus your attention on
your heartspace
(2) Visualize the violet flame around you, 9 feet in every direction; above, below and
to each side
(3) Set an intention. Intention is powerful. You can choose a situation in your life
that you want resolved or you can just use a basic intention such as wanting to
release that which is no longer serving you.
(4) Recite the opening invocation (see page on decrees)
(5) Start out slowly, giving the decrees (see page on decrees) with love, devotion
and feeling. Increase the pace as you go. This will stregnthen the decrees
power. Repeating the decree also strengthens its power and draws down more
light. Shorter decrees are repeated 3 times. Longer decrees can be spoken
once. There's no right or wrong way to decree. Whatever feels comfortable to you is
(6) Recite closing invocation (see page on decrees).
Once you are familiar with the decrees you can close your eyes while giving them
and concentrate on visualizing the Violet Flame. See the Violet Flame around
you. See the flames pulsating and undulating in endless shades of violet with
gradations of purple and pink. See your body as transparent, with the flames curling
up beneath your feet, passing through and around your body and clear up over your
Just a few minutes of Violet Flame a day will produce results, but persistence
is needed to penetrate age-old habits you would like to change.
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015