Page 7 - Changing Lesson
P. 7


This lesson would almost be funny if it wasn't so sad. The ego has various ways of distracting our
attention from our true selves, sickness being one of them. And the sad thing is that this is a decision
we make, a choice, a plan.

At one time I was losing a lot of hair from the top of my head and my hairdresser told me that what
was causing me to lose my hair was worrying about losing my hair. Deep inside I knew that was true
but maybe it would help if I bought certain hair products or possibly hair implants or a number of
other remedies for this problem, when in truth my "problem" is an illusion in the first place.

I also quit trying to understand my ego self a long time ago, but I'm grateful for knowing there is
another way and I'm open and willing to learn it through the power of my Divine Guidance.

“When I am healed I am not healed alone.”

The lesson title contains within it the essence of what healing is. Healing is the recognition that I
cannot be alone. It could be said that this one statement encapsulates the whole message of the
Course. A recognition that I am not separate nor is anyone separate from me is the basis of
forgiveness. It is the reason why sin is impossible. It is the reason why I remain as God created me. It
is the reason why there is no cause for guilt and fear cannot be real. It is the reason why I remain
safe within the Love of God.

This lesson is helping me look at the fact that I do not fully believe any of this. I experience the
isolation that comes with sickness. I experience the sense of vulnerability and weakness that comes
with believing that the body needs to be protected, because that is how I protect myself. There are
still aspects in my mind that believe that if the body ceases to exist, so do I. This is the insane dream
that must be undone.

Healing is not necessary in reality, for what is one is not broken. But a dream in which reality is
broken into many separate parts must be undone for reality to dawn upon the mind that thought
the dream was real. As I practice focusing on the idea that when I am healed I am not healed alone,
it reminds me that I am indeed part of All That Is, not separate. This is my goal.

Holy Spirit, help me this day to see only the Love I share with all my brothers, to see the one Self that
joins us all as one. I am willing to see the real world where all barriers to Love have been let go.

In this lesson Jesus reminds me that healing is the decision to return to the oneness of my real Self.
The opposite of healing is to think that separation from God and my brothers is real. As I open my
mind to the healing thoughts of the Holy Spirit, the illusions I have believed in are gently removed.

I am learning that healing is my only function as long as I think I am in a world where separation
appears to be real. I am also learning that healing is shared. The sentence that stands out to me is,
"For by its gentle hand is weakness overcome, and minds that were walled off within a body free to
join with other minds, to be forever strong." (8:6)

It is wonderful to realize that, in reality, all minds are joined. The little walls that were erected
through belief in separation are free to fall away as soon as we are willing. As we do this, we learn
we really are connected. We really are one Self, united with our Creator. The only 'life" that is real is
the one Life of our true Self. "His life becomes your own, as you extend the little help He asks in
freeing you from everything that ever caused you pain." (9:3)

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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