Page 9 - Changing Lesson
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vulnerable, isolated and alone. Playing dumb is a denial of the truth. Atonement means letting go of
playing dumb and accepting my true Self instead of the weak and vulnerable image I have made.
In Reality, there is only one Mind, the Mind of God. If I identify with anything else as what I am, I am
playing dumb, I am denying my Self. It has become a habit to think in limited, false ways. Atonement
is letting these false ideas, these cobwebs be cleared, so that the Light of my true Identity can shine
through. It has always been there. It never left. I just tried to cover It up. Now is the time to let the
cover up be over. It is not a fun game. Limitation and lack, weakness and uncertainty need not be. It
really never was, just in dreams.
I will accept Atonement for myself. I will let go of playing dumb for I remain as God created me.
Nothing else is true. All minds are one in Love. This is certainty.
Lesson 140 “Only salvation can be said to cure.”
This lesson is expanding on the first miracle principle: There is no order of difficulty in miracles.
Accepting a miracle is recognizing that there is no difference between being disturbed by a story of
someone hitting a child or being bothered because I tripped over a piece of loose carpet. There is no
difference between intense terror and a mild irritation. They are all equally illusions.
The world has set up elaborate schemes to try to bring a sense of safety in this world of illusions. We
jail people who we believe will harm us. We take pills to protect ourselves from damaging
microorganisms. We take other pills to destroy those threatening organisms when the first pills
didn't work and we believe we are sick. This lesson is saying false perception is the same -- they are
all illusions. When we make up one illusion to try to fix another, we are not dealing with the real
source of the problem.
It is essential that we learn to recognize illusions for what they are. Otherwise we will continue
mindlessly trying to cure what is merely an effect without changing the cause. And this cannot be a
cure. All the myriad forms in this world are there to justify our belief that separation is real. But they
are merely the effect of a confused mind that believes that what could never be real is real.
This lesson is telling me that if I want to be free of the conflict of this world, the fear and deprivation,
the guilt and isolation, I need to change my mind about what I think is real. Then real healing
happens. Each time I bring a fear or guilt to the Holy Spirit, ask for His healing perception and receive
it, I move a step closer to my salvation. When I can see that what I thought harmed me had no real
effect on my true Reality as Love, I can let go of the fear or anger and free myself with Holy Spirit's
The recognition that this world is an illusion is how I wake up from the dream. Each time I forgive or
let go of dreaming I am separate from Love with the Holy Spirit's help, my dream is a little happier, a
little more peaceful, a little more loving. Gradually I begin to see that what seemed to be different
circumstances, different problems, have more and more in common in my perception. As I see the
sameness of all problems, my letting go of the world of illusions accelerates. I move from baby steps
to recognizing more and more that all problems are the same.
Today, with the Holy Spirit's help, I will move closer to the full recognition that nothing but the full
unity of my mind with God is real. Here is my salvation, my freedom. I am grateful that the Holy
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015