Page 13 - Changing Lesson
P. 13


If I am attracted to the drama and conflict of the ego, I will not welcome God's peace. As I learn to
recognize that nothing in this world offers me anything I really want, my willingness to quiet my
mind increases. Quieting my mind is a gift I give myself, for it is the gift of healing, of returning to my
Self as I was created in Love.

Today I ask the Holy Spirit to help me see the meaninglessness and valuelessness of the ego's
drama's. I seek to clear the way to a quiet mind and receive God's Word of Love unchanged and
unchangeable. With the Holy Spirit's help I will see the Love in all my brothers. I will not be deceived
by behaviors or circumstances in form. I will offer only the vision of Love to my brothers so that I
might receive Love's gifts.

In another lesson, Jesus says "God is but Love and therefore so am I." Because I am Love, my mind in
reality can hold only Love. In the Text it says that Love means sharing all Love with all. This means
that as I return to the awareness of the Love that I am, I also return to the awareness that as Love, I
am eternally giving all Love to all. And because Love is one, I am receiving all Love from all.

Because I have tried to make something different from God's Love real, I experience something
different from God's Love. As I am willing to quiet my mind, I am learning to sink below the chatter
of the differences I made up. Below the chatter there is peace, there is the quiet mind. There is
God's Word. There is Love. There is simplicity. There is one Self, where giving and receiving are the
same. In this sacred place of quiet, nothing has changed from Love. Here is the eternal now, the holy
instant, the changeless unity of Love. My mind holds only what I think with the Love that I am.

Holy Spirit, lead me today, that I may be aware of the Love that is always present in all
circumstances. Holy Spirit, help me remember that I can only receive Love and give Love in truth,
because my mind holds only what I think with Love. Help me remember this today. Help me extend
only Love. It is in this way that I will remember that I am only Love. Help me remember to rest in
Love today. Help me to remember that only Love is real.

“Review IV: "My mind holds only what I think with God." and "There is no
love but God's. The world I see holds nothing that I want."”

As I take the time to do this lesson this morning, I am struck by how important this practice is in
readying my mind to open to God's Love. Taking this time to open my mind and let it be cleared and
quieted of all worldly thoughts, I receive the blessing of God's peace and joy. I see how important it
is to return to this quiet place in my mind that is always there. It is only through consistent practice
with opening up to the sacred place in my mind that I recognize its value.

As I go through my day, all the worldly activities seem so important. But I am learning that nothing is
more important than opening my mind to God. Nothing is more important than opening my mind to
the truth of what is real. Then when I go back to my daily activities, I can practice bringing that
feeling of God's Presence with me. There is nothing more important than God's Love, because
nothing else is real.

Anything that changes is part of the illusion. Within my mind there is a sacred place that is eternal.
And What is in that sacred place is What I am and What everyone is. In truth, my mind holds only
what I think with God, and that is eternal. I am determined to rest in God today as I practice the
hourly remembrances.

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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