Page 16 - Changing Lesson
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weak and vulnerable to forces that we cannot control. All this is simply not true. All this just comes
from the false ego mind which we have identified with.
Thank God we still have our real mind. We cannot leave the Mind of God even though we imagine
ourselves doing so. Our right mind holds only what we think with God.
By doing these lessons every day, every hour, we are gradually loosening our grip on the false ideas
that give us the experience of this world of separation and vulnerability. As we stick with this mind
healing program found in A Course in Miracles, we let go of the false ideas. Behind those false ideas
is the one Mind, the Mind of God. This is our real Mind and the only Mind. This is our true Identity
Each day I continue the undoing process of letting go of what was never real. Repeating throughout
the day, "My mind holds only what I think with God," brings me back the truth and allows an
opening by which the Holy Spirit can bridge me back the truth, to where I never left. This daily
practice is an important lifeline. There is nothing more important than returning to the truth.
The lessons reviewed in today's lesson focus on the belief in vulnerability that interferes with my
awareness of the thoughts I share with God. I could not perceive myself as needing defense unless I
believed that I was vulnerable. To believe I am vulnerable, I must believe I am separate from God or
believe God is vulnerable, neither of which are true. Remembering that my mind holds only what I
think with God is the cure for belief in vulnerability.
My safety does not come from building defenses against outside forces, people, disease, weather,
earth changes, all the myriad forms this world of false images presents. My safety comes from
remembering that I remain in the mind of God as I was created, sharing His Love, His joy, His peace,
His strength and His holiness. That is the truth about my true Self. It cannot be changed because God
does not change. What is eternal is changeless and the truth about me, about everyone, is that we
are eternal. We are the one Self that is God's extension.
Any time I perceive that I have been hurt, either emotionally or physically, I am believing in a false
image of myself. It is this I must take to the Holy Spirit and ask for His gentle correction. Repeating
hourly for ten days that my mind holds only what I think with God builds a reference point in my
mind which I can use to help me recognize the false thinking that leads to feeling vulnerable and
weak. With that recognition, my job is to take it to the Holy Spirit to receive His vision, to let my
perception be corrected. It is a progressive process that becomes easier and more effective with
every practice.
It is my willingness to practice that makes the healing of my mind possible. I am grateful for my little
willingness and I am grateful for the mighty tools for healing brought to me in the Course. Today I
will practice once again with gratitude and joy, reminding myself that my mind holds only what I
think with God.
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015