Page 14 - Changing Lesson
P. 14
The ego loves to keep the mind preoccupied with busy doings in the world. It always has a "to do"
list that includes more than can possibly done in the time available. As long as I let the ego be my
guide, my mind will be occupied with seeming thoughts that block my awareness of the thoughts I
share with God. If I place priority on the ego's list, I shut God out and keep myself separate and
alone. I don't have time to quiet my mind and become aware of the thoughts of Love I share with
All the striving and doing of the ego come from the belief that there is something I see in the world
that I want. Somehow accomplishing the "to do" list will get me what I want. If I look beneath the
layers of form, I see that what I think these forms will offer me have something to do with
specialness in some way. Specialness is the ego's substitute of God's Love. Today's lesson is telling
me that there is no Love but God's. And that is why nothing I see in the world offers me any
thing I want. Specialness is an empty substitute for Love.
It is important that I take the time to quiet my mind and open to the awareness to the thoughts of
Love that I share with God. This is what I truly want. This is where I will find the only Love there is in
truth. This is where I remember my Source. From this place of remembrance, I can return to my list
of 'to do's' with a new perspective. No longer is the list a means of being stressed and isolated. It
now becomes a means of extending Love. Some things on the list may be dropped entirely, for they
are seen as having no purpose. Others are given a new purpose. The form of doing may remain the
same, but the content now is Love.
Holy Spirit, help me today to follow your lead in all my doing that I may use every moment as an
opportunity to extend Love.
Lesson 147 “Review IV: "My mind holds only what I think with God." and "I
will not value what is valueless. Let me perceive forgiveness as it is."”
Only the Mind of God is real. Only eternal Love is real. Thoughts of separation come from the
mistaken mind, the split mind. All the thoughts that come from the split off, ego mind are not real.
The thoughts that come from this mind are valueless.
Jesus is teaching us not to value what is valueless because it will not bring us happiness. It will only
bring us pain and sorrow, sickness and death in the end. Forgiveness is letting go of these thoughts
of being separate from the Mind of God. Forgiveness is letting go of belief in bodies, of time and
space, of differences and uniqueness.
Today, again, I will practice opening to the truth. I will practice forgiveness. I will practice letting go
of illusions. I will practice letting go of the valueless. I will practice opening to the truth that my mind
holds only what I think with God. This daily practice is my journey Home. There is no journey that
has any value but this. I need not wander in the wilderness any longer. This practice is my highest
priority. This practice brings me what I really want, God's peace, joy and eternal happiness.
As I am willing to see the false ideas for what they are, I will not value the valueless. I will open to
the mind of God, my Source. I will return to what is true and eternal. I will realize that my mind holds
only what I think with God. What is in the Mind of God is real and nothing else is real. This process of
letting go of false ideas is what the Course calls forgiveness. Through forgiveness, we let go of what
Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015