Page 11 - Changing Lesson
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clearly not happy and not loving. Simple, true forgiveness clears the false image and opens my mind
to the awareness of Love's presence once again.

All I or anyone in this world wants is Love and happiness. If we think happiness can be found in the
forms of this world, we will try all kinds of ego-based manipulations and gyrations in an attempt to
make the images of the world provide the Love and happiness we seek. But Love and happiness
cannot be found there. The ego directs us to look to these images in keeping with its motto, seek
and do not find.

The moment we let our minds be guided by the Voice for God, we will be helped to let go of the
values we have given these empty images. In other words we will be guided to forgive. This
forgiveness is the key to happiness because it clears our minds of meaningless false images so that
we can receive and accept what has always been ours.

The moment I cease to give my attention to the empty images of this world and give them no value,
I truly recognize that my mind holds only what I think with God and I experience everything I really
want. Eternal happiness is mine.

Recognizing that my mind holds only what I think with God helps me realize that all the thoughts I
get involved with in this world of separation are not really thinking at all. As I do the Course lessons
day by day, these lessons help me recognize mindless thoughts and open my mind to the Holy
Spirit's help so that the thoughts can be purified.

My mindless thoughts, which come from belief in separation, may appear real at the time, but they
are really nothing at all. Letting these thoughts be seen for what they are by the Holy Spirit is
forgiveness, and forgiveness brings happiness. I tried to replace God with all these meaningless ideas
of separation, but it has only been ego image making. They were never real.

Today I practice returning to remembering that my mind holds only what I think with God. God's
Mind is eternal and changeless and therefore my mind is eternal and changeless. Only my true
Identity as God's Extension is real. All the additions I have tried to make are not real. All the image
making dreams I have been involved with are not real. As I learn to forgive or let go of these
thoughts, this image making, I find true happiness. The truth lies beyond image making, which is a
denial of the truth.

As I let go of the images which deny the truth, the truth returns to my awareness. Letting go of what
never was, which is forgiveness, is the key to happiness and offers everything I really want. My mind
holds only what I think with God. Nothing else is true. I am willing to be happy today. I am willing to

Lesson 142 “Review IV: "My mind holds only what I think with God." and "I
thank my Father for His gifts to me.

Let me remember I am one with God."”

Gratitude and appreciation go hand in hand with acceptance. If someone offers me something I
don't appreciate, I won't accept it. I might put on a show of acceptance so as to not hurt the giver's
feelings, but if there is no appreciation, the gift goes on the back shelf or in the closet, where it is
forgotten about. This world is the effect of not appreciating God's gifts to me. He gave me my Self --

Lessons by Marlyn Marval Feb 23th thru April 9th 2015
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