P. 18

              Wednesday 16 august 2017

                Goodell: Have to understand other side in anthem protests

            By JOSE M. ROMERO                                                                                                   holder “since  Day  1,”  said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the  commissioner  “beat
            GLENDALE, Arizona (AP) —                                                                                            around  the  bush”  on  the
            Asked  about  players  who                                                                                          issue.  He  said  he’d  like
            did  not  stand  for  the  na-                                                                                      Goodell to take a tougher
            tional anthem before pre-                                                                                           stance.
            season  games,  NFL  Com-                                                                                           “The thing is, all he (Lynch)
            missioner  Roger  Goodell                                                                                           has  to  do  is  stand  up  for
            said  Monday  that  while                                                                                           two  minutes  and  he  can
            the playing of the anthem                                                                                           still  have  whatever  beliefs
            is a special moment to him,                                                                                         he  wants.  Go  with  what
            “we  also  have  to  under-                                                                                         looks  good  for  the  game
            stand the other side.”                                                                                              and to the people,” Olson
            Goodell  made  the  com-                                                                                            said. “He (Goodell) makes
            ments  at  University  of                                                                                           rules and, ‘You do this, you
            Phoenix  Stadium  during  a                                                                                         do that,’ why can’t he just
            45-minute    question-and-                                                                                          say ‘You stand up. You can
            answer period with Arizona                                                                                          believe  what  you  want  or
            Cardinals  club  seat  hold-                                                                                        do  what  you  want.  Just
            ers.  One  season  ticket-                                                                                          stand up like a man.’”
            holder, Bruce Olson, asked                                                                                          Goodell  also  addressed
            the commissioner whether                                                                                            other issues:
            players were going to con-    NFL football Commissioner Roger Goodell talks with Arizona Cardinals season ticket holders dur-  —  On  starting  the  season
            tinue to protest during the   ing an event at University of Phoenix Stadium ,Monday, Aug. 14, 2017, in Glendale, Ariz.   with a major star suspend-
            anthem  and  if  anything                                                                          Associated Press  ed, as is the case with Cow-
            could be done about it.                                                                                             boys  running  back  Ezekiel
            “It’s  one  of  those  things   fore the preseason opener  back  Marshawn  Lynch  sat  ing any of the players, said   Elliott,  who  is  out  for  six
            where  I  think  we  have  to   against  the  Los  Angeles  on a cooler during the an-  other players are taking the   games after the league in-
            understand that there are    Chargers  on  Sunday,  a  them Saturday night on the  platform they have into lo-      vestigated  accusations  of
            people that have different   decision  he  made  before  field  at  University  of  Phoe-  cal communities to create   domestic violence against
            viewpoints,”  Goodell  said.   weekend protests by white  nix  Stadium.  Los  Angeles  dialogue  toward  positive   him: “You never like to see
            “The  national  anthem  is   supremacists  in  Charlot-   Rams defensive end Robert  change.                        that  happen.  That’s  not
            a  special  moment  to  me.   tesville,  Virginia.  Bennett  Quinn  raised  a  first  before  “Protest to progress is what   something  good.  Those
            It’s a point of pride. But we   has  said  that  the  aim  of  his team’s game.        I  call  it,  and  we  all  have   things are dictated by cir-
            also  have  to  understand   his protest is to make peo-  The  fact  that  former  San  to  recognize  that  if  we   cumstances. We do every-
            the  other  side,  that  peo-  ple  uncomfortable.  In  the  Francisco  49ers  quarter-  want  to  see  change,  let’s   thing we can to make sure
            ple do have rights and we    process,  he  hopes  to  spur  back  Colin  Kaepernick  is  go  out  and  try  to  make   we’re  enforcing  our  poli-
            want to respect those.”      greater    communication,  still  looking  for  a  team  to  that  change  happen  in  a   cies and holding the stan-
            Seattle  Seahawks  defen-    understanding and involve-   play  for  after  his  kneel-  peaceful  and  important   dards to the highest level.
            sive  end  Michael  Bennett   ment across racial, gender  down protests last season is  way,” Goodell said.         That’s an unfortunate part
            sat  on  the  visiting  bench   and socio-economic lines.  also still a hot topic.     Olson,   who    described    of that, but that’s what you
            during  the  anthem  be-     Oakland  Raiders  running  Goodell,  without  mention-    himself  as  a  season-ticket   do.”q

                                                                      Union appeals Cowboys RB

                                                                      Ezekiel Elliott’s 6-game suspension

                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — The NFL  sure that the NFL is held to  blasted  Commission  Roger
                                                                      Players Association has ap-  its  obligation  of  adhering  Goodell’s ruling, saying the
                                                                      pealed  Dallas  Cowboys  to  principles  of  industrial  league      “cherry-picked”
                                                                      running back Ezekiel Elliott’s  due process under the col-  evidence to reach its con-
                                                                      six-game  suspension  over  lective  bargaining  agree-   clusion.
                                                                      the  league’s  conclusion  ment.”                         A  hearing  with  Goodell  or
                                                                      that its 2016 rushing leader  The  NFL  suspended  Elliott  an arbitrator will be sched-
                                                                      injured  his  former  girlfriend  last week after a yearlong  uled  within  10  days  with  a
                                                                      in three separate incidents  investigation  into  an  Ohio  decision “as soon as prac-
            Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott looks on from the   last summer.           domestic  violence  case  ticable”  after  the  appeal
            sideline  during  the  second  half  of  a  preseason  NFL  football   The  union  said  Tuesday  it  that  prosecutors  declined  is  heard,  according  to  the
            game against the Los Angeles Rams, Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017,   will represent Elliott “to en-
            in Los Angeles.                                                                        to pursue. Elliott’s attorneys  labor agreement. q
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