P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 16 august 2017
                   Maria Sharapova granted wild-card entry into U.S. Open

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Maria  up skipping the grass-court
            Sharapova was granted a  portion  of  the  season  be-
            wild-card  invitation  for  the  cause  of  an  injured  left
            U.S. Open’s main draw on  thigh.
            Tuesday and will take part  The  USTA  didn’t  consider
            in a Grand Slam event for  her  suspension  in  award-
            the  first  time  in  more  than  ing the wild card, saying it
            1½ years.                    was following past practice
            Sharapova is among eight  of granting them to former
            women given entry into the  U.S. Open champions who
            128-player field by the U.S.  needed them, such as Mar-
            Tennis  Association  —  and  tina  Hingis,  Lleyton  Hewitt,
            by far the most noteworthy.  Kim Cljisters and Juan Mar-
            The  former  No.  1-ranked  tin del Potro.
            player  and  owner  of  five  “Her   suspension   under
            major  titles,  including  the  the  terms  of  the  tennis
            2006 U.S. Open, has not en-  anti-doping  program  was
            tered  a  major  tournament  completed  and  therefore
            since  the  Australian  Open  was not one of the factors
            in  January  2016,  when  weighed  in  our  wild-card
            she  tested  positive  for  the  selection   process,”   the
            newly  banned  drug  mel-    USTA said in a statement.    In this Aug. 27, 2014, file photo, Maria Sharapova, of Russia, returns a shot to Alexandra Dulgheru,
            donium.                      The  organization  added     of Romania, during the second round of the U.S. Open tennis tournament, in New York.
            That  led  to  a  15-month  that Sharapova had volun-                                                                           Associated Press
            doping  ban,  which  ex-     teered  to  speak  to  young
            pired in April. She returned  players at the USTA nation-  clay  at  Stuttgart,  Germa-  Slam  and  become  one  of  wild-card  challenge  win-
            to the tour, but her ranking  al  campus  about  the  im-  ny.  She’s  only  played  nine  the  most  recognizable  —  ner  Sofia  Kenin,  USTA  Girls’
            —  currently  148th  —  was  portance of the tennis anti-  matches this season.        and marketable — athletes  18s    national   champion
            too low to allow entry into  doping  program  and  the    Sharapova  was  19  when  in the world.                   Ashley  Kratzer  and  Aman-
            major  tournaments,  and  responsibility  each  player    she won her U.S. Open tro-   Also  receiving  wild  cards  dine  Hesse  of  France.  The
            the  French  Open  denied  has to comply with it.         phy.  Two  years  before,  at  were:  Taylor  Townsend,  final women’s wild card for
            her  a  wild  card.  Sharapo-  Sharapova  has  been  par-  17, Sharapova won her first  reigning  U.S.  Open  girls’  singles will be an Australian
            va planned to try to qual-   ticipating  in  tournaments   Grand Slam title at Wimble-  champion Kayla Day, 2017  player named later.
            ify  for  Wimbledon,  but  the  via  wild-card  invitations,   don.  She  has  since  com-  NCAA  singles  champion  The U.S. Open starts in Flush-
            30-year-old Russian wound  beginning  in  April  on  red   pleted  a  career  Grand  Brienne  Minor,  U.S.  Open  ing Meadows on Aug. 28.q

             Doping cleanup              sibilities for conducting the                                                          cause of his doping history

               Continued from Page 17    anti-doping  program  out                                                              — he’s served two bans.
                                                                                                                                “I thought in 2012, I was in
                                         of  its  hands.  A  handful  of
            —The  suspension  of  the    former IAAF leaders are un-                                                            a cleaner race, and it turns
            Russian  track  federation.   der  investigation  for  their                                                        out that Olympic final was
            Only  19  Russians  compet-  roles  in  doping  cover-ups                                                           probably one of the dirtiest
            ed  at  this  year’s  worlds,   and related corruption.                                                             in  history,”  said  American
            100 fewer than were pres-    “We  have  to  be  open                                                                middle-distance     runner
            ent in Moscow in 2013. The   about it,” IAAF president Se-                                                          Shannon Rowbury, who fin-
            19  competed  as  neutral    bastian Coe said. “There’s                                                             ished out of the medals in
            athletes because the IAAF    been  a  disproportionate                                                              a  race  in  which  no  fewer
            determined  they’ve  been    amount of damage to the                                                                than  five  of  the  1,500-me-
            under  proper  anti-doping   sport produced by a rela-                                                              ter  finalists  have  been  in-
            controls.                    tively  small  number  of  na-                                                         vestigated  for  doping  vio-
            —Five  countries,  including   tions, and we just have to   United Staes’ Men’s 4x100 meters relay team, from left, Christian   lations. Exhibit B (perhaps):
                                                                      Coleman, Mike Rogers, Jaylen Bacon and Justin Gatlin pose on
            distance-running    power-   get on top of that.”         the podium with their silver medal at the World Athletics Cham-  Eleven of this year’s 14 win-
            houses Kenya and Ethiopia,   As a sign of the IAAF’s will-  pionships in London Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017.              ning sprint times, including
            have  been  placed  on  a    ingness to tackle the issue                                           Associated Press  relays  and  hurdles,  were
            doping watch list — mean-    head-on, the meet began      down the roster in the Unit-  next day. I think they’re as   slower than in 2013, which
            ing they are being closely   with  the  reallocation  of   ed  States,  where  athletes  vigilant as they can be.”  was  the  last  world  cham-
            watched  because  of  evi-   medals from 11 races dat-    are  widely  considered  to  Of  course,  it’s  a  delicate   pionships  held  the  year
            dence  that  has  surfaced   ing to 2007.                 be  subject  to  one  of  the  proposition  to  attribute  all   after  the  Olympics.  But  a
            about      less-than-robust   “It’s not a Russia thing, but   world’s  toughest  anti-dop-  these  numbers  to  doping,   portion  of  that  —  as  well
            anti-doping  procedures  in   it is a thing that sometimes   ing programs.             or  to  assume  all  the  prob-  as  Jamaica’s  paltry  show-
            those  countries.  Jamaica   you get out there and you    “It’s  not  uncommon  for  lems are fixed. From Marion    ing,  with  only  four  medals
            has  also  been  under  in-  wonder,  ‘Do  I  have  a  fair   athletes  in  our  training  Jones  to  Tim  Montgomery   —  could  be  attributed  to
            creased  scrutiny,  which    shot at this? If I’m doing the   group  to  get  tested  every  to  Tyson  Gay,  Americans   Bolt’s rough week; he won
            has led to the stripping of a   right thing, is everyone else   month,”  said  U.S.-based  have  a  history  of  doping   bronze  in  the  100  meters
            2008 Olympic relay medal     doing  the  right  thing?’”   track  coach  Loren  Sea-   positives,  reflected  most   and pulled up lame in the
            because of doping by one     said   American    sprinter   grave,  who  trains  athletes  starkly  during  this  meet  by   4x100 with a hurt left ham-
            of Usain Bolt’s teammates.   Natasha  Hastings,  who  re-  from several countries. “On  the  fans’  reaction  to  Jus-  string.  The  champion  took
            —The IAAF has established    ceived a reallocated relay   some  occasions,  you  get  tin  Gatlin.  The  100-meter   umbrage  to  the  linking  of
            an  independent  testing     gold from 2013.              tested  on  one  day,  and  champion      was   roundly   slow  times  and  doping,
            authority that takes respon-  It’s a refrain shared up and   they  show  up  again  the  booed  at  every  turn  be-  calling it “disrespectful.”q
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