P. 23
TECHNOLOGY Wednesday 16 august 2017
New Facebook data center a boost to Ohio’s technology sector
By JULIE CARR SMYTH if the Facebooks and the build.
Associated Press Googles and the PayPals Amazon opened three
NEW ALBANY, Ohio (AP) and the Amazons think that cloud-computing data
— Facebook will spend we are not committed to center sites in central Ohio
$750 million on a new data renewable energy, they will last year. The company in-
center in central Ohio, not come here. Period, end vested about $1 billion in
the company announced of story,” he said. centers in New Albany and
Tuesday — marking an- Menlo Park, California- two other Columbus sub-
other boost for the state’s based Facebook has been urbs, Dublin and Hilliard.
growing technology sector. adding data centers in the Kasich said Tuesday’s an-
The world’s biggest social U.S. and internationally to nouncement shows Ohio
media company joined Re- handle the growing num- is diversifying its economy
publican Gov. John Kasich ber of photos, videos and beyond its heavy reliance
and a host of other digni- additional digital content it on manufacturing. He
taries to announce its 10th must process from its 2 bil- hopes the growing number
data center will be in New lion users. The Ohio project of tech jobs entice younger
Albany, just northeast of was code-named Sidecat workers to move to or re-
Columbus. as it moved through the main in Ohio, whose popu-
The 22-acre (8.9-hectare) Rachel Peterson, director of data center strategy and successful application pro- lation growth has stagnat-
development for Facebook, discusses the social media giant’s
data center will be pow- decision to build a $750 million data center in New Albany, cess for $37 million in state ed as average ages rise.
ered exclusively with re- Ohio, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017. tax incentives. “Ohio has it all,” Kasich
newable energy. It is ex- Associated Press U.S. Rep. Pat Tiberi, whose said. “You’ve got the cool
pected to employ 100 peo- of high-tech talent. including wind, solar and district will house the facil- factor. You’ve got exciting
ple to start and to begin “We look at that communi- hydro, was critical to the ity, said it’s “incredibly im- companies. You’ve got the
providing services in 2019. ty fit and how we’re going decision — a factor un- portant.” lower cost of living.”
Rachel Peterson, the com- to live and work in a com- derlined by Kasich, who “It continues to show not He noted other recent
pany’s director of data munity,” she said. “We not has pushed back against just the Silicon Valley, but technology investments in
center strategy and devel- only live there. legislative efforts to turn job creators all over the the state, including by Ex-
opment, said several fac- We work there, too. We hire back the state’s alternative country, that, hey, you plorys, IBM Analytics and
tors attracted Facebook to there locally. So we want to energy requirements.”It is know what, something must Teradata. Cologix, a Den-
the location, including fiber make sure there’s a strong critical that we continue be happening in Ohio,” the ver-based date company,
and power infrastructure, fit.” developing the renew- Republican congressman also plans a $130 million
government support, liv- She said the availability of ables, because, believe said, noting the hope that data center on its Colum-
ability and the availability renewable energy sources, me, at the end of the day, a synergy is beginning to bus campus.q
Judge orders LinkedIn to stop
blocking data-scraping firm
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A LinkedIn invoked a federal Microsoft, says it may chal-
federal judge in San Fran- anti-hacking law in telling lenge the ruling.
cisco has ordered LinkedIn hiQ to stop. LinkedIn spokeswoman Ni-
to stop blocking a startup LinkedIn also installed tech- cole Leverich says “we will
company from scraping nical blocks to prevent hiQ continue to fight to pro-
LinkedIn personal profiles from accessing otherwise tect our members’ ability
for data. publicly available infor- to control the information
U.S. District Judge Edward mation on LinkedIn users. they make available on
Chen has sided with hiQ Chen’s preliminary injunc- LinkedIn.”
Labs, a San Francisco com- tion Monday gives Linke- Many companies also op-
pany that analyzes work- dIn a day to remove those pose data scrapping in fa-
force data scraped from blocks. vor of licensing data for a
public profiles. LinkedIn, which is a part of fee.
In a statement, hiQ said the
company “believes that
public data must remain
public” and that big com-
panies shouldn’t stifle inno-
vation by hoarding public In this Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016, file photo, the LinkedIn logo is
data.q displayed during a product announcement in San Francisco.
Associated Press