P. 2

              Wednesday 16 august 2017
            Pence praises Argentina as model for Latin America

            By JILL COLVIN                                                                                                      ta, one of the largest shale
            LUIS HENAO                                                                                                          oil and gas deposits in the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    world.
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina                                                                                           The  comments  also  high-
            (AP) — Vice President Mike                                                                                          light  the  balancing  act
            Pence  praised  Argentine                                                                                           Pence  must  play  as  he
            President  Mauricio  Macri’s                                                                                        tries to stay true to Trump’s
            “bold reform agenda” Tues-                                                                                          protectionist  trade  rheto-
            day, hailing the country as                                                                                         ric  while  at  the  same  time
            a  model  for  the  region,  in                                                                                     praising  U.S.  investments  in
            contrast  to  the  downward                                                                                         Argentina  and  elsewhere.
            spiral of Venezuela.                                                                                                On  Wednesday,  the  U.S.
            Speaking  at  the  old  stock                                                                                       will begin renegotiating the
            exchange  building  in  Bue-                                                                                        North American Free Trade
            nos  Aires  during  a  week-                                                                                        Agreement    with   Cana-
            long  trip  to  Latin  America,                                                                                     da  and  Mexico  —  a  deal
            Pence  delivered  a  mes-                                                                                           Trump  says  in  unfair  to  the
            sage  of  reassurance  that                                                                                         U.S.
            President  Donald  Trump’s                                                                                          The United States is Argen-
            “America     first”   policy                                                                                        tina’s  third  largest  trade
            does  not  mean  “America                                                                                           partner after Brazil and Chi-
            alone.”                                                                                                             na.
            He  argued  that  a  secure                                                                                         Argentina’s  chamber  of
            Latin  America  is  crucial  to   U.S. Vice President Mike Pence waves after speaking at the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, in   commerce  says  exports  to
            the  security  of  the  United   Argentina, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017. Pence is on a official visit to Argentina until Wednesday, when   the U.S. totaled $2.5 billion
            States,  and  that  a  more   he will be heading to Chile on a week-long visit to Latin America.                    in the first half of 2017 — an
            prosperous  Latin  America                                                              (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)  11  percent  increase  over
            will lead to a more prosper-  tionist predecessor, Cristina  ber.                      viding  generous  state  jobs  the same period last year.
            ous U.S.                     Fernandez de Kirchner.       During   her   presidency,  and benefits.                 Pence  and  Macri  also  dis-
            “When  Latin  America  em-   “Argentina  in  many  ways  Fernandez  kept  prices  for  Macri has also struggled to  cussed  the  deteriorating
            braces  economic  reforms,  is  an  inspiration  across  this  things like bread, bus rides  lure  in  the  foreign  invest-  situation in Venezuela, with
            Latin  America  succeeds  hemisphere and across the  and  energy  low.  But  her  ments,  as  promised  while  Pence warning the country
            and  so  does  the  United  wider world,” Pence said.     free-spending  policies  led  campaigning.                was  spiraling  toward  dic-
            States,” he said.            Pence’s  visit  came  two  to soaring consumer prices,  Pence’s  visit  underscored  tatorship  at  the  hands  of
            Pence’s  comments  came  days  after  the  surprising  limits  on  exports  and  cur-  the challenges. Pence and  President  Nicolás  Maduro,
            at  the  end  of  a  packed  success of Macri’s political  rency controls that created  Macri both spoke at length  and making the case that
            day  that  included  meet-   coalition  in  key  Argentine  a black market for dollars.  Tuesday  about  their  desire  a failed state in Venezuela
            ings  with  Macri  and  other  provinces in a primary elec-  Macri was elected by prom-  to  deepen  trade  relations.  will  drive  illegal  drug  traf-
            local  officials,  a  joint  press  tion.                 ising to clean up corruption  Pence  said  the  countries  ficking and migration, and
            conference  and  a  visit  to  The results strengthened the  and  jumpstart  the  econ-  were  “very  close”  on  a  “endanger  the  security,
            the city’s grand cathedral.  coalition’s  position  head-  omy  with  a  pro-business  deal  to  expand  American  prosperity,  and  well-being
            During  the  press  confer-  ing into October’s midterm  government that would roll  pork  exports  to  Argentina,  of all who call the Western
            ence, Pence praised Mac-     legislative  vote  and  gave  back some of Fernandez’s  but  no  new  agreements  Hemisphere home.”
            ri’s  pro-business  reforms,  a  boost  to  its  pro-business  policies and cut back gov-  were announced.          Macri echoed the alarm —
            which include cutting gov-   economic reforms.            ernment spending.            Pence  also  praised  recent  but  also  made  clear  that
            ernment  spending,  reduc-   The   vote   was    closely  But  he  has  struggled  to  investments by U.S. compa-   he rejected Trump’s surprise
            ing  taxes  on  exports  and  watched to gauge Macri’s  rein in double-digit inflation  nies in Argentina, including  suggestion last week that a
            ending  economic  distor-    popularity and the strength  while  job  cuts  and  dimin-  Viacom’s  recent  acquisi-  “military  option”  might  be
            tions  that  led  to  years  of  of former President Fernan-  ished  utility  subsidies  have  tion  of  broadcaster  Telefe  on the table.
            high  consumer  prices  un-  dez, who is expected to run  stoked  unrest  in  a  nation  and  Exxon  and  Chevron’s  “The way to go,” said Mac-
            der his left-leaning, protec-  for a Senate seat in Octo-  with a long tradition of pro-  involvement in Vaca Muer-  ri, “is not the use of force.”q

            Korean leaders, US open door to diplomacy in nuclear crisis

            By FOSTER KLUG               diplomacy  follows  unusu-   handles  the  missile  pro-  and  passing  over  Japan  mediate      comments     on
            KIM TONG-HYUNG               ally combative threats be-   gram, Kim praised the mili-  —  apparently  showing  the  Kim’s declaration.
            Associated Press             tween  President  Donald  tary for drawing up a “close  missiles’ flight route.        “We  continue  to  be  inter-
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —  Trump  and  North  Korea  and careful plan” and said  The missile plans were pre-        ested  in  trying  to  find  a
            North  Korea’s  military  on  amid  worries  Pyongyang  he would watch the “fool-      viously  announced.  Kim  way to get to dialogue, but
            Tuesday  presented  leader  is  nearing  its  long-sought  ish  and  stupid  conduct  of  said  North  Korea  would  that’s up to him,” U.S. Sec-
            Kim  Jong  Un  with  plans  to  goal of being able to send  the  Yankees”  a  little  more  conduct  the  launches  if  retary of State Rex Tillerson
            launch  missiles  into  waters  a nuclear missile to the U.S.  before  deciding  whether  the “Yankees persist in their  told  reporters  in  Washing-
            near Guam and “wring the  mainland.                       to order the missile test, the  extremely dangerous reck-  ton on Tuesday.
            windpipes of the Yankees,”  Next  week’s  start  of  U.S.-  state-run  Korean  Central  less  actions  on  the  Korean  Lobbing  missiles  toward
            even  as  both  Koreas  and  South Korean military exer-  News Agency said.            Peninsula  and  its  vicinity,”  Guam, a major U.S. military
            the  United  States  signaled  cises that enrage the North  Kim appeared in photos sit-  warning  the  United  States  hub  in  the  Pacific,  would
            their  willingness  to  avert  a  each  year  could  make  ting at a table with a large  to  “think  reasonably  and  be   deeply   provocative
            deepening crisis, with each  diplomacy  even  more  dif-  map  marked  by  a  straight  judge  properly”  to  avoid  from the U.S. perspective.
            suggesting  a  path  toward  ficult. During an inspection  line  between  what  ap-    shaming  itself,  the  news  A  miscalculation  on  either
            negotiations.                of the North Korean army’s  peared to be northeastern  agency  said.  The  Trump  side  could  lead  to  military
            The  tentative  interest  in  Strategic   Forces,   which  North  Korea  and  Guam,  administration  had  no  im-   confrontation. q
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