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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 16 august 2017
            Defiant Trump insists anew: Blame both sides for violence

                Continued from Front                                                                                            testers. Trump appeared to
            Some  of  those  protesting                                                                                         defend  both  the  extrem-
            the rally to save a statue of                                                                                       ists’ right to protest, noting
            Confederate General Rob-                                                                                            they  had  a  permit,  and
            ert  E.  Lee  were  “also  very                                                                                     Confederate statues.
            violent,” he said.                                                                                                  And  he  pointed  out  that,
            “There  are  two  sides  to  a                                                                                      like  Lee  and  some  other
            story,”  he  said.  He  added                                                                                       generals,  revered  Ameri-
            that some facts about the                                                                                           can presidents had owned
            violence still aren’t known.                                                                                        slaves.  “So,  this  week  it’s
            His  remarks  were  wel-                                                                                            Robert  E.  Lee,”  he  said.
            comed  by  former  Ku  Klux                                                                                         “I  noticed  that  Stonewall
            Klan  leader  David  Duke,                                                                                          Jackson’s coming down.
            who  tweeted:  “Thank  you                                                                                          I wonder, is it George Wash-
            President  Trump  for  your                                                                                         ington  next  week  and  is  it
            honesty  &  courage  to  tell                                                                                       Thomas Jefferson the week
            the truth.”                                                                                                         after?  You  really  do  have
            Trump’s  handling  of  the                                                                                          to ask yourself where does
            weekend     violence   has                                                                                          it stop?”
            raised  new  and  troubling                                                                                         As  Trump  talked,  his  aides
            questions,  even  among                                                                                             on the sidelines of the lob-
            some  supporters,  about     President  Donald  Trump  speaks  to  the  media  in  the  lobby  of  Trump  Tower,  Tuesday,  Aug.  15,   by stood in silence. Chief of
            why he sometimes struggles   2017  in  New  York.  With  Trump  are  from  left,  National  Economic  Council  Director  Gary  Cohn   staff John Kelly crossed his
            to forcefully and unequivo-  Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and OMB Director Mick   arms  and  stared  down  at
            cally  condemn  white  su-   Mulvaney.                                                                              his  shoes,  barely  glancing
            premacist  groups.  Mem-                                                         (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)  at the president. q
            bers of his own Republican  as his president.
            Party  have  pressed  him  to  “As a Jew, as an American,
            be more vigorous in criticiz-  as a human, words cannot
            ing  bigoted  groups,  and  express my disgust and dis-
            five  corporate  and  labor  appointment,” Schatz said.
            leaders have resigned from  “This is not my president.”
            a White House jobs panel in  Violence  broke  out  Sat-
            response to his comments.    urday  in  Charlottesville,  a
            Democrats  were  aghast  picturesque  college  town,
            at    Trump’s   comments  after  a  loosely  connected
            Tuesday.  Virginia  Sen.  Tim  mix  of  white  nationalists,
            Kaine  said  on  Twitter  that  neo-Nazis  and  other  far-
            the Charlottesville violence  right  extremists  assembled
            “was  fueled  by  one  side:  to  protest  the  city’s  deci-
            white supremacists spread-   sion to remove a towering
            ing  racism,  intolerance  &  statue of Confederate gen-
            intimidation. Those are the  eral Robert E. Lee. Heather
            facts.” Sen. Brian Schatz of  Heyer, 32, was killed when
            Hawaii said on Twitter that  a man plowed his car into
            he  no  longer  views  Trump  a  crowd  of  counter-pro-

            Trump signs order to speed

            infrastructure construction

            By JOAN LOWY                 required  that  such  proj-
            MICHAEL BIESECKER            ects  built  with  federal  aid
            Associated Press             take  rising  sea  levels  into
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     account.  Trump  has  sug-
            dent  Donald  Trump  said  gested  the  predicted  risks
            Tuesday  he  has  signed  a  from sea level rise driven by
            new  executive  order  in-   climate  change  are  over-
            tended to make more effi-    blown.
            cient the federal permitting  Describing   his   action,
            process for construction of  Trump said projects will still
            transportation,  water  and  be  subjected  to  environ-
            other  infrastructure  proj-  mental safeguards.
            ects  without  harming  the  “It’s going to be quick, it’s
            environment.                 going to be a very stream-
            Trump’s  order  includes  re-  lined   process,”   Trump
            voking an earlier executive  said. “And by the way, if it
            order  signed  by  President  doesn’t meet environmen-
            Barack  Obama  concern-      tal  safeguards,  we’re  not
            ing  projects  built  in  flood  going  to  approve  it.  Very
            plains, White House officials  simple. We’re not going to
            said.  The  Obama  order  approve it.”q
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