P. 8
A8 world news
Wednesday 16 august 2017
UK may seek ‘temporary’ customs union with EU Ukraine rocket
By JILL LAWLESS maker denies
Associated Press leaking know-
LONDON (AP) — Britain
on Tuesday gave its most how to NKorea
detailed indication yet of
how its future trade with DNIPRO, Ukraine (AP) —
the European Union might The head of Ukraine’s top
work after Brexit, laying rocket-making compa-
out proposals to replace ny on Tuesday rejected
membership in the bloc’s claims that its technologies
customs union with new might have been shipped
mechanisms designed to to North Korea, helping the
allow “frictionless” trade to pariah nation achieve a
continue. quantum leap in its missile
The plans were dismissed as program.
“a fantasy” by one senior KB Yuzhnoye chief Alex-
EU official. And anti-Brexit ander Degtyarev voiced
campaigners in Britain said confidence that employ-
they would merely replace ees haven’t been leaking
EU regulations with new know-how to Pyongyang,
ones that could be even according to remarks pub-
more onerous. lished Tuesday by the on-
The Department for Exit- line site
ing the European Union This Monday July 17, 2017 photo shows EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier, right, and British While denying any illicit
said there could be “a Secretary of State, David Davis at the EU headquarters in Brussels. Britain on Tuesday gave its most technology transfers from
temporary customs union detailed indication yet of how its future trade with the European Union might work after Brexit. the plant in the city of
between the U.K. and the (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaer) Dnipro, Degtyarev con-
EU” to avoid border cha- side the bloc destined for have accused the gov- customs union. ceded the possibility that
os when Britain officially member states. ernment of being vague The single market ensures the plant’s products could
leaves the bloc in March Alternately, it suggested “a about whether there will tariff-less trade in goods have been copied.
2019. Brexit Secretary David highly streamlined customs be economic barriers with and services and is linked “Our engines have been
Davis said the transition pe- arrangement” could be the EU after Brexit. The per- closely by the EU with other highly appraised and used
riod could last about two set up, using technology to sistent uncertainty — 14 rights, such as the right of around the world,” he said.
years. In the long term, the ease border procedures. months after Britain voted EU citizens to cross borders. “Maybe they have man-
department said, a “cus- The proposals drew a cool to leave the EU — is weigh- The customs union allows aged to build some copies
toms partnership” could response from Brussels. ing on the economy. goods to move within the somewhere.”
eliminate the need for a “To be in & out of the Cus- Trade Secretary Liam Fox EU without checks, but also The New York Times re-
border for goods traveling toms Union & ‘invisible bor- and Treasury chief Philip imposes tariffs on imports ported Monday that North
between Britain and the ders’ is a fantasy,” tweeted Hammond wrote in the from outside the EU. That Korea’s rapid progress in
EU. The partnership would Guy Verhofstadt, the Eu- Sunday Telegraph that in would prevent Britain strik- making ballistic missiles po-
see Britain impose the ex- ropean Parliament’s Brexit 2019 Britain will leave both ing new free trade deals tentially capable of reach-
act same requirements as coordinator. the EU’s single market in while it remains inside the ing the United States was
the EU on goods from out- Some British businesses goods and services and its arrangement.q made possible by black-
market purchases of pow-
erful rocket engines, prob-
3,000 firefighters in Portugal combating wildfires ably from KB Yuzhnoye’s
plant. Ukrainian officials
angrily rejected the claim.
LISBON, Portugal (AP) — town of Vila dei Rei. images of smoke rising as from the weather. She said Pyongyang had displayed
Around 3,000 firefighters in Portuguese public televi- fires advanced through temperatures were fore- a keen interest in the plant
Portugal were struggling sion RTP showed images of wooded hills, threatening cast to rise in the interior before.
to put out more than 150 towering flames illuminating the villages of Ferreira do of the country, where they Degtyarev mentioned a
wildfires raging across the the night which by morn- Zezere and Macedo de could reach 40 C (104 F). 2011 incident, in which two
country Tuesday, as persis- ing had left large swathes Cavaleiros. Civil Protection Portugal has been espe- North Koreans posing as
tent hot and dry weather of scorched forest near Agency spokeswoman Pa- cially hard hit by wildfires trade representatives tried
stoked the flames, officials the town, where authori- tricia Gaspar said Tuesday this year because of a to steal technologies from
said. In one case, around ties evacuated 112 people that 55 people had been widespread drought. The the plant, but were arrest-
800 firefighters supported Monday. Another 300 fire- injured, including four with worst outbreak killed 64 ed.
by air units were needed to fighters were focused on serious injuries, by fires in people in June, with many In 2012, they were con-
finally bring under control a combating a second large Portugal since Aug. 9. dying on a road as they victed of espionage and
blaze that had burned for fire also in the interior of Gaspar also said that fire- fled the rampant flames in sentenced to eight years in
three days near the central the country. RTP showed fighters would get no relief their cars.q prison each.q