Page 29 - ATD05March2016
P. 29
Saturday 5 March 2016
Autopsy: Unclear if Bobbi Kristina’s death was accidental
that left her in a coma, and within 24 to 48 hours before
she ultimately died from she entered the bathtub,
pneumonia, the autopsy but it’s not possible to say
report says. when she took each one
“The underlying cause or whether multiple drugs
of death is the condition were taken at the same
which starts the downhill time, Wax said.
course of events leading Bobby Brown said in a
to death and in this case is statement that it was “mind
the immersion associated blowing” to him for news
with drug intoxication,” the outlets to seek the autopsy
medical examiner’s office report. He also noted that
said. Friday is his late daughter’s
She likely used the drugs birthday.q
In this Aug. 16, 2012, file photo, Bobbi Kristina Brown attends the Los Angeles premiere of
“Sparkle” at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles.
Associated Press
KATE BRUMBACK Gordon, accusing him of comb through all of the vic-
JEFF MARTIN giving her a “toxic cock- tim’s interactions with the
Associated Press tail” and putting her face defendant and build this
ATLANTA (AP) — An au- down in water. Gordon has entire sequence of events
topsy determined Bobbi not been charged and his based upon the medical
Kristina Brown had a mix of attorney said the report evidence that is available,”
drugs in her body when she should put to rest “all the Cino said.
went underwater in a bath- negativity surrounding” The autopsy report had
tub, but a medical exam- him. been sealed by a judge at
iner couldn’t tell whether “He’s always maintained the request of prosecutors,
her death was a homicide, his innocence,” attorney for “public safety and in-
making the criminal investi- Randy Kessler said. vestigative reasons,” How-
gation tougher. Brown was found face- ard said Thursday.
The medical examiner’s down in a bathtub in her However, two television
report released Friday suburban Atlanta town- stations sued for its release
showed that Brown, the home Jan. 31, 2015. Gor- and a judge ruled in their
daughter of singers Whit- don and a friend were favor Thursday.
ney Houston and Bobby listed on the police report The medical examiner
Brown, had morphine, co- as being in the home when didn’t find really high levels
caine, alcohol and pre- investigators arrived. The of any drug, and the com-
scription drugs in her body. wrongful death suit says bination of drugs found in
The report, released af- other people were there her system is not unusual,
ter months of speculation when Brown was initially said Dr. Paul Wax, a pro-
about how she died, said found unresponsive. fessor of emergency medi-
the medical examiner’s of- She was in a coma for six cine at the University of
fice couldn’t figure out if it months before dying in hos- Texas Southwestern Medi-
was a suicide, a homicide pice care at age 22. cal Center who reviewed
or accidental so it classified Charges could still be the autopsy report at the
the manner of death as brought even though the request of The Associated
“undetermined.” medical examiner couldn’t Press.
Fulton County District Attor- declare the death a homi- “She’d used a bunch of
ney Paul Howard is inves- cide, said Georgia State drugs, she went into the
tigating whether criminal University law professor bath and she basically
charges should be brought Jessica Gabel Cino, who drowned in the bathtub,”
in Brown’s death, but has teaches forensic evidence. he said. “That’s pretty
said very little about the She noted prosecutors much all you can tell from
probe. have succeeded in getting this report.”
Brown’s estate filed a convictions without even Medical personnel were
wrongful death lawsuit having a body. able to revive her but she
against her partner, Nick “You’ve got to basically suffered brain damage