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Saturday 5 March 2016
Amy Adams: ‘I knew I was being
paid less’ than male co-stars
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Amy Lawrence wrote in an es- liked it.” In this Feb. 28, 2016 file photo, actress Amy Adams arrives at the
Adams says she knew she say published last year that Adams and Lawrence Vanity Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif.
was receiving less money she blamed herself for fail- were nominated for the
than her male “American ing as a negotiator when best actress and support- Associated Press
Hustle” co-stars. she learned from leaked ing actress Oscars, re-
The actress told British GQ Sony emails that her male spectively, for their roles in
magazine that she agreed co-stars were paid more. “American Hustle.”
to play a con artist oppo- “I knew I was being paid “I’m really proud of Jenni-
site Christian Bale, Brad- less and I still agreed to do it fer,” Adams said. “What I
ley Cooper and Jeremy because the option comes liked is that it was not nec-
Renner despite being paid down to do it or don’t do essarily about getting paid,
less than them for the 2013 it,” Adams said. “So you just or not getting paid ... It’s
film. have to decide if it’s worth like we have been condi-
Adams’ co-star Jennifer it for you. It doesn’t mean I tioned to not be contro-
versial, to not cause prob-
New collection of lems. It’s about finding your Hustle” filmmaker David O. any of it on. She’s Teflon.
Kendrick Lamar voice.” Russell made her cry during And I am not Teflon.”
music appears online Adams, who has also been production. Adams is reprising her “Man
nominated for Academy “I was really just devastat- of Steel” role as reporter
Awards for her roles in ed on set,” said Adams. “I Lois Lane in the upcoming
“Doubt” and “The Mas- mean, not every day, but movie “Batman v Super-
ter,” said in the magazine’s most. Jennifer doesn’t take man: Dawn of Justice.”q
April issue that “American
In this Feb. 15, 2016, file photo, Kendrick Lamar performs at the
58th annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.
Associated Press
MARK KENNEDY cluding the standout funky
AP Entertainment Writer “untitled 08 09.06.2014.” But
NEW YORK (AP) — Fresh off “untitled 07 2014-2016” is a
his Grammy triumph, Kend- meandering, eight-minute
rick Lamar has released a song that ends with artists
new batch of old music. collaborating in a studio,
The eight-song collection ti- complete with jokes and
tled “untitled unmastered.” laughing.
was made available Friday The collection, which totals
on iTunes, Apple Music, 34 minutes of music, was
Tidal, Spotify and Google- publicized around mid-
Play. None of the songs has night from Lamar’s Twitter
a title, just what seem to be account. Lamar won best
dates, ranging from 2013 to rap album for “To Pimp a
2016. Butterfly” as well as rap per-
Top Dawg Entertainment, formance, rap song, rap/
the independent hip-hop sung performance and
label Lamar is signed to, music video. Along with
said the collection “fea- his wins, Lamar also had
tures studio versions of the a show-stopping moment
untitled songs” that Lamar when he took the stage to
performed on “The Colbert perform “The Blacker the
Report,” ‘’The Tonight Show Berry” and “Alright.”
with Jimmy Fallon” and last Lamar went three years
month’s Grammy Awards. before releasing his impres-
Many of the songs have sive sophomore effort in
a spacy, groovy feel and “To Pimp a Butterfly” last
sound highly produced, in- year.q