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PEOPLE & ARTSSaturday 5 March 2016
Casting Saldana as Simone inflames ideas of race, beauty
SANDY COHEN In this June 14, 2015 file photo, Zoe Saldana attends the Los An-
AP Entertainment Writer geles Premiere of “Infinitely Polar Bear” held at Regal Cinemas
LOS ANGELES (AP) — If L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles.
there was any doubt
about how Nina Simone’s Associated Press
family and fans feel about
the upcoming biopic star- “Whatever can be done to judged on the basis of col-
ring Zoe Saldana, recent
social media posts make it discredit this film as not the or, or ethnicity, or physical
clear they are not pleased.
A fresh round of criticism definitive one, by virtue of likeness.”
for the film erupted af-
ter the trailer and poster the philosophical problem, Petty asked: “Then why put
for “Nina” were unveiled
Wednesday. the very blatant philosophi- Zoe Saldana in brown-face
Saldana posted a quote
from the singer and civil cal problem of this cast- makeup?”
rights activist on Twitter,
and Simone’s estate re- ing.” The casting choice follows
sponded with: “Cool story
but please take Nina’s In this June 27, 1985 file photo, singer Nina Simone perfroms at The singer’s estate cooper- a Hollywood tradition of hir-
name out your mouth. For Avery Fisher Hall. Actress Zoe Saldana will star in the upcoming
the rest of your life.” Nina Simone biopic, “Nina.” ated with producers of the ing lighter-skinned actors
Simone’s daughter and
others have decried the Associated Press Netflix documentary “What to play people who would
choice to cast a lighter-
skinned actress as the Happened, Miss Simone?” naturally have brown skin.
African-American activ-
ist since Saldana took the of black beauty, so casting people begin to under- which was nominated for Filmmakers apologized
part in 2012. Her skin was someone with Saldana’s stand this is painful. Gut-
apparently darkened for more European appear- wrenching, heartbreaking, an Oscar this year. months before “Gods of
the role, and she wears a ance is galling, said Miriam nauseating, soul-crushing.”
prosthetic nose. J. Petty, an assistant profes- The estate is urging fans to BET Founder Robert L. John- Egypt” was released for
At the time, Simone’s sor in the radio-television- hold listening parties on the
daughter, Simone Kelly, film department at North- film’s release date rather son, founder and chair- casting Scottish actor Ge-
said: “Appearance-wise western University. than watching “Nina.”
this is not the best choice.” “It’s disrespectful and dem- Petty, also a devoted Sim- man of the studio releas- rard Butler and Danish ac-
“My mother was raised at onstrates the depth of the one fan, also encourages
a time when she was told ignorance of the person fans to stay away. ing “Nina,” describes Sal- tor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
her nose was too wide, her making the film of the very “I think it’s important not to
skin was too dark,” Kelly subject of the film,” she support this film financially, dana’s performance as as mythical Egyptian gods.
told the New York Times in said. because the problem with
a 2012 interview. The Simone estate tweeted biopics is they become “an exceptional and mes- Representatives for Sal-
Simone’s dark complexion Wednesday: “Hopefully the last word,” she said.
and traditionally African merizing tribute.” dana and the Simone es-
features were central to
her identity and concept “She gave her heart and tate did not respond to re-
soul to the role and dis- quests for comment Thurs-
played her extraordinary day from The Associated
talent,” he said in a state- Press.
ment Thursday. “The most RLJ Entertainment will re-
important thing is that cre- lease “Nina” in theaters,
ativity or quality of perfor- digital HD and video on
mance should never be demand on April 22.q
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall wed in London
News Corp Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall leave Spencer House, London, LONDON (AP) — Media Murdoch — a prolific
after getting married, Friday March 4, 2016. mogul Rupert Murdoch tweeter on topics including
Associated Press and model-actress Jerry British and American poli-
Hall married Friday at an tics — tweeted: “No more
aristocratic palace in Lon- tweets for ten days or ever!
don. Feel like the luckiest AND
They were photographed happiest man in world.”
emerging with smiles Fri- It is the fourth marriage for
day from Spencer House, Murdoch, who owns Fox
which was built in the 18th News Channel, movie stu-
century by ancestors of dio Twenty-First Century
the late Princess Diana. The Fox, publisher HarperCollins
84-year-old groom wore a and newspapers in Britain
business suit; the bride, 59, and the United States. Mur-
was in a navy skirt and a doch has six children from
trench coat. his three previous marriag-
Murdoch’s News U.K. con- es.
firmed Murdoch and Hall, It is the first marriage for
who announced their en- Texas-born Hall, a former
gagement in January, had supermodel and long-term
married. partner of Rolling Stones