P. 16

                  Wednesday 23 May 2018

            Caribbean Pharmacists on the Move to Innovation

                                                                                                   this  law  through  the  con-  Committee  which  is  sup-
                                                                                                   tract  with  the  Pharmacy  ported  by  the  CAP.  In  this
                                                                                                   Owner’s  Association.  Most  case, the Local Committee
                                                                                                   pharmacies  in  Aruba  are  consists  of  SBFZ  members,
                                                                                                   owned by non-pharmacist.  which  is  the  educational
                                                                                                   The  owners  have  an  asso-  arm  of  the  VAA  (Verenig-
                                                                                                   ciation and sign a contract  ing van Apothekers Aruba)
                                                                                                   with  the  AZV.  By  contract  and  VAA  members.  This
                                                                                                   the Pharmacists and phar-    committee  has  set  up  an
                                                                                                   macist-assistants  have  to  educational and fun agen-
                                                                                                   earn  a  certain  amount  of  da  for  all  participants,  to
                                                                                                   Points of Continued Educa-   not only help in their further
                                                                                                   tion. The owners have to in-  development  but  also  to
                                                                                                   vest in their pharmacists by  promote networking, local-
                                                                                                   financing  the  attendance  ly  and  internationally,  and
                                                                                                   of  continued  education  learn  how  to  work  togeth-
                                                                                                   sessions.                    er  to  solve  problems.  The
                                                                                                    It is a great opportunity for  spring  meeting  allocates
                                                                                                   local Pharmacists and Assis-  points  to  those  members
                                                                                                   tant – Pharmacists to get to  who need to keep their sta-
                                                                                                   know the CAP, and to par-    tus as active pharmacists in
                                                                                                   ticipate in a conference in  the Caribbean.
                                                                                                   their own field of work, that
                                                                                                   will  further  develop  their    The  Caribbean  Associa-
                                                                                                   knowledge. It is also an op-  tion  of  Pharmacists  was
                                                                                                   portunity for Aruba to pro-  formed  at  a  meeting  of
            ARUBA  —  For  the  second  Advancement  of  Pharma-      way,  partake  in  the  Con-  file itself to our sister Islands  several  leading  pharmacy
            time around, the CAP (Ca-    ceutical Care), which is the   tinued Education (CE) pro-  in the Caribbean.           figures in the English speak-
            ribbean    Association   of  educational  committee  of   cess  which  is  an  integral   This time most of the Carib-  ing Caribbean in Kingston,
            Pharmacist)  organized  its  the  VAA  (Vereniging  van   part  of  the  CAP  philoso-  bean audience came from  Jamaica,  in  September
            Spring  Meeting  in  Aruba.  Apothekers op Aruba) (As-    phy.  The  program  consist-  Curacao, Sint Maarten, Ja-  1976. The vision of the CAP
            This year’s meeting was on  sociation of Pharmacists on   ed of 1 half day and 1 full   maica, Guyana, Barbados,  is advancing the develop-
            19-20  May,  and  is  orga-  Aruba)                       day,  which  amounts  to  a   Bahamas, Trinidad & Toba-   ing  and  empowerment  of
            nized  in  collaboration  with                            total of 8 CE sessions and 2   go, etc.                   the  people  of  the  Carib-
            the SBFZ (Stichting ter Bev-  The  participants  had  the   social events.                                          bean  through  excellence
            ordering   Farmaceutische  opportunity to follow some     The targeted audience in-    The  Spring  Meeting  is  al-  in provision of all aspects of
            Zorg)  (Foundation  for  the  great  lectures  and,  in  this   cluded  healthcare  profes-  ways organized by a Local  pharmacy practice. q
                                                                      sionals,  such  as  pharma-
                                                                      cists  and  their  assistants,
                                                                      (general)  physicians,  gov-
                                                                      ernment  agencies  and
                         Paradise in the Caribbean                    medical  insurance  em-
                                                                      ployees. We had about 90
                                                                      registered  delegates  both
                                                                      from the local and interna-
                                                                      tional/Caribbean region.

                                                                      This 2018 CAP spring meet-
                                                                      ing hosted by Aruba, coin-
                                                                      cides  with  the  implemen-
                                                                      tation of laws by the Local
                                                                      Inspection  Body.  Pharma-
                                                                      cists, as partners in patient-
                                                                      care, are now required to
                                                                      register  and  follow  CE,  in
                                                                      order  to  maintain  registra-
                                                                      tion of pharmacy practice
                                                                      in Aruba.
                                SALES OFFICE +297 2801005  The  National  Insurance
                                    MOBILE +297 5927275  Agency,  AZV,  is  enforcing
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