P. 18

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Wednesday 23 May 2018
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            European Parliament President Antonio Tajani, right, welcomes   La Cabana BRC          for $2500                    FIRE DEPT.        115
            Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg upon his arrival at the EU Par-  1 BR wk 18 Room 110a $5500  Call 630-1307             FIRE DEPT.        582-1108
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            BRUSSELS (AP) — The Latest  hearing him in person.        only we have all Fixed       $575K                        Oranjestad:
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            on  Facebook  CEO  Mark  Tuesday's hearing was orig-      T-share Weeks for Rent or sale  Johnnypaesch@   San Nicolas
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            European  Union  officials.  behind  closed  doors.  EU   From all Resorts             ________________________________209572
            Facebook CEO Mark Zuck-      Civil  Liberties,  Justice  and   Call:630-1307
            erberg  is  apologizing  for  Home  Affairs  Committee                                    INFORMATION   118
            the  internet  giant's  failure  President  Claude  Moraes   ________________________________209572                 TAXI-TAS       587-5900
                                                                                                                                PROF. TAXI
            to prevent some of the in-   said the fact that it will now                                      Editor             TAXI D.T.S.    587-2300
            ternet  tools  it  has  devel-  be  made  public  "is  very   Marriott Surf Club        Caribbean Speed Printers N.V.  SERVICE AUA   583-3232
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            in  elections  and  develop-                              Call;630-1307                       Editor in Chief
            ers  misusing  people's  infor-                 
                                                                                                                                          May 23
            mation.  We  didn't  take  a                              ________________________________209572  Linda Reijnders             Monarch
            broad enough view of our                                  Marriott Ocean Club             (     Freedom of the seas
            responsibilities."                                         1 BR Gold Ocean View $5000             Editor
            Speaking to a group of EU                                  1 BR Gold Ocean Front $8500                              Aruba Airport   524-2424
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            was a mistake, and I'm sor-                               $14,500                                                   Jet Blue       588-2244
                                                                                                          Linda Reijnders
            ry for it."                                                Call :630-1307                 (  Surinam     582-7896
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            Facebook CEO Mark Zuck-                                   _________________________________209572  Marijke Croes    Aruba Foundation
                                                                                                                                For those Visually Incapasitated
            erberg  faces  senior  Euro-                                                                  Mary-Ann Oduber       Tel. 582-5051
            pean    Union   lawmakers                                                                      Classifieds
            later  Tuesday  to  answer                                                                     Rachelle Danje       AL-ANON group
                                                                                                                                Sabana Liber #8, Noord
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            Facebook users.                                                                      Respetami
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            In  testimony  to  be  broad-
            cast live, Zuckerberg will be                                                                Social / Website       Centro Diabetic Arubano
            questioned  by  leaders  of                                                                   Jeancarlo Trinidad    Tel. 524-8888
            the  European  Parliament's                                                                                         Narcotics Anonymous
            main  party  groups  and                                                                       Weststraat 22        Tel. 583-8989
            committees.                                                                                     T: 528-7800
            Zuckerberg  testified  last                                                                E:   QUOTA Club
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            month to the U.S. Congress,                                                                W:
            but  had  been  noncom-                                                                        @arubatoday          Women in Difficulties
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            do the same in Brussels, but                                                                                        Mobility Equipment Hire
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