P. 17

                  Wednesday 23 May 2018
            Amazon urged not to sell facial recognition tool to police

            By GENE JOHNSON                                                                        in body camera videos.       increasing public safety.”
            Associated Press                                                                       Amazon released Rekogni-     Orlando  has  a  network  of
            SEATTLE  (AP)  —  Amazon’s                                                             tion  in  late  2016,  and  the  public safety cameras, and
            decision to market a pow-                                                              sheriff’s  office  in  Washing-  in a presentation posted to
            erful  face  recognition  tool                                                         ton  County,  west  of  Port-  YouTube this month , Ranju
            to police is alarming priva-                                                           land, became one of its first  Das,  who  leads  Amazon
            cy advocates, who say the                                                              law  enforcement  agency  Rekognition, said the com-
            tech  giant’s  reach  could                                                            customers.                   pany  would  receive  feeds
            vastly  accelerate  a  dysto-                                                          A year later, deputies were  from  the  cameras,  search
            pian  future  in  which  cam-                                                          using  it  about  20  times  a  them  against  photos  of
            era-equipped  officers  can                                                            day  —  for  example,  to  people  being  sought  by
            identify and track people in                                                           identify burglary suspects in  law  enforcement  and  no-
            real  time,  whether  they’re                                                          store  surveillance  footage.  tify police of any hits.
            involved in crimes or not.                                                             Last month, the agency ad-   “It’s   about   recognizing
            It’s  not  clear  how  many                                                            opted policies governing its  people,  it’s  about  track-
            law enforcement agencies                                                               use,  noting  that  officers  in  ing  people,  and  then  it’s
            have  purchased  the  tool,   This Sept. 6, 2012, file photo, shows the Amazon logo.   the field can use real-time  about  doing  this  in  real
            called Rekognition, since its                                         Associated Press  face recognition to identify  time,  so  that  the  law  en-
            launch in late 2016 or since  That could have potentially  last weekend.               suspects who are unwilling  forcement  officers  ...  can
            its  update  last  fall,  when  dire  consequences  for  mi-  Amazon’s  technology  isn’t  or  unable  to  provide  their  be then alerted in real time
            Amazon  added  capabili-     norities who are already ar-  that  different  from  what  own ID, or if someone’s life  to events that are happen-
            ties that allow it to identify  rested  at  disproportionate  face  recognition  compa-  is in danger.              ing,” he said.
            people in videos and follow  rates, immigrants who may  nies  are  already  selling  to  “We  are  not  mass-collect-  The Orlando Police Depart-
            their movements almost in-   be  in  the  country  illegally  law  enforcement  agen-  ing.  We  are  not  putting  a  ment said in an email that it
            stantly.                     or  political  protesters,  they  cies.                   camera  out  on  a  street  “is not using the technology
            The  Washington  County  said.                            But its vast reach and its in-  corner,”  said  Deputy  Jeff  in  an  investigative  capac-
            Sheriff’s  Office  in  Oregon  “People  should  be  free  to  terest in recruiting more po-  Talbot,  a  spokesman  for  ity or in any public spaces
            has used it to quickly com-  walk down the street with-   lice  departments  —  at  ex-  the  sheriff’s  office.  “We  at this time.”
            pare  unidentified  suspects  out being watched by the  tremely low cost — are trou-   want  our  local  community  The  testing  has  been  lim-
            in  surveillance  images  to  government,”  the  groups  bling, said Clare Garvie, an  to be aware of what we’re  ited  to  eight  city-owned
            a  database  of  more  than  wrote in a letter to Amazon  associate at the Center on  doing,  how  we’re  using  it  cameras and a handful of
            300,000  booking  photos  on  Tuesday.  “Facial  rec-     Privacy and Technology at  to  solve  crimes  —  what  it  officers who volunteered to
            from  the  county  jail  —  a  ognition in American com-  Georgetown University Law  is  and,  just  as  importantly,  have  their  images  used  to
            common use of such tech-     munities threatens this free-  Center.                    what it is not.”             see if the technology works,
            nology around the country  dom.”                          “This  raises  very  real  ques-  It  cost  the  sheriff’s  office  Sgt.  Eduardo  Bernal  wrote
            —  while  the  Orlando  Po-  In  an  emailed  statement,  tions about the ability to re-  just  $400  to  load  305,000  in an email Tuesday.
            lice  Department  in  Florida  Amazon   Web     Services  main  anonymous  in  public  booking  photos  —  which  “As  this  is  a  pilot  and  not
            is testing whether it can be  stressed  that  it  requires  all  spaces,” Garvie said.  are already public records  being  actively  used  by
            used to single out persons-  of  its  customers  to  comply  While police might be able  — into the system and $6 a  OPD as a surveillance tool,
            of-interest in public spaces  with the law and to be re-  to  videotape  public  dem-  month  in  fees  to  continue  there is no policy or proce-
            and  alert  officers  to  their  sponsible  in  the  use  of  its  onstrations,  face  recogni-  the  service,  according  to  dure regarding its use as it is
            presence.                    products.                    tion is not merely an exten-  an  email  obtained  by  the  not deployed in that man-
            The  American  Civil  Liber-  The  statement  said  some  sion of photography but a  ACLU  under  a  public  re-    ner,” Bernal wrote.
            ties  Union  and  other  pri-  agencies  have  used  the  biometric  measurement  —  cords request.                 The  privacy  advocates’
            vacy  advocates  on  Tues-   program to find abducted  more akin to police walking  Last  year,  the  Orlando,  letter  to  Amazon  followed
            day asked Amazon to stop  people,  and  amusement  through  a  demonstration  Florida,  Police  Department  public          records   requests
            marketing  Rekognition  to  parks  have  used  it  to  find  and demanding identifica-  announced it would begin  from ACLU chapters in Cali-
            government       agencies,  lost  children.  British  broad-  tion  from  everyone  there,  a  pilot  program  relying  on  fornia, Oregon and Florida.
            saying  they  could  use  the  caster Sky News used Rek-  she said.                    Amazon’s  technology  to  More than two dozen orga-
            technology to “easily build  ognition  to  help  viewers  Some  police  departments,  “use existing city resources  nizations  signed  it,  includ-
            a  system  to  automate  the  identify  celebrities  at  the  including   Seattle,   have  to  provide  real-time  de-  ing  the  Electronic  Frontier
            identification  and  tracking  royal  wedding  of  Prince  policies that bar the use of  tection  and  notification  of  Foundation  and  Human
            of anyone.”                  Harry  and  Meghan  Markle  real-time facial recognition  persons-of-interest,  further  Rights Watch.q
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