P. 16

                   Thursday 5 april 2018
            Paseo Herencia celebrates Easter with the kids

            PALM BEACH - Last Sunday  tion.  There  were  special
            Paseo Herencia celebrated  games were they did win a
            Easter with a lot of activities  lot of prices. Also the group
            and games for the kids.      Mini  NTG  gave  a  great
                                         show to all the visitors dur-
            They  even  had  a  special  ing this event.
            guest  who  was  the  Easter  Egg  painting,  face  paint-
            Bunny,  and surely he knew  ing, Dino Jump and a train
            how to entertain all the kids  and  carousel  specially  en-
            and visitors for this celebra-  tertained the kids to enjoy

                                                                      the event.                   day  and  granted  specials  The kids really enjoyed their
                                                                      All  the  restaurants  and  and discounts to all the visi-  Easter celebration at Paseo
                                                                      stores  were  open  on  this  tors on this day.           Herencia.q

                                                                                                   Fun at Fishes & More

                                                                                                   PALM BEACH -A great  group  of  visitors from the  US  en-
                                                                                                   joyed their evening off at Fishes & More Restaurant in the
                                                                                                   Arawak  Garden.  Hailing  from  Detroit,  Chicago,  Denver
                                                                                                   and San Diego they are staying at the Ritz Carlton, where
                                                                                                   they heard  about  popular Fishes & More. They  ordered
                                                                                                   everything and drank lots of wine. Waiter Robert was out-
                                                                                                   standing, they said. And `Nice food, we love it here, we’ll
                                                                                                   be back!’

                                                                                                   Fishes  &  More  is  one  of  the  fabulous  restaurants  of  the
                                                                                                   Arawak Garden across from the Barceló Resort on the hi-
                                                                                                   rise strip. With live music every night of the week, great
                                                                                                   Early Bird Specials and kiosks for nighttime shopping, the
                                                                                                   Garden is a wonderful place.q
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