P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 5 april 2018

            U.S.  senator visits Venezuela

            amid talks over jailed Utah man

            By SCOTT SMITH and JOSH-     weapons charges.             R-Utah, also spoke to Mad-
            UA GOODMAN                   The  rare  visit  comes  as  uro  by  phone  to  press  for
             Associated Press            the    Trump    administra-  Holt's  release,  according
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)  tion  weighs  an  embargo  to  a  Venezuelan  official
            —  A  powerful  U.S.  sena-  on  Venezuela's  oil  ship-  with knowledge of the con-
            tor  traveled  to  Venezuela  ments  on  top  of  sanctions  versation but who was not
            on  Wednesday  as  pres-     it  already  has  imposed  on  authorized to discuss it pub-  In this Feb. 13, 2018 file photo, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., speaks to
            sure mounted on President  dozens  of  top  officials,  in-  licly. Hatch's office refused   reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington.
            Nicolas  Maduro  to  hand  cluding  Maduro  himself,  to  comment  on  the  Sena-                                               Associated Press
            over  a  Utah  man  jailed  in  for what the U.S. considers  tor's efforts to secure Holt's
            the  turbulent  South  Ameri-  Venezuela's slide into a dic-  release  but  said  they  are  his  wife,  Thamara  Caleno  land.
            can country for nearly two  tatorship.                    unrelated to Durbin's travel  Candelo,  to  be  politically  The Associated Press first re-
            years.                       "The  Venezuelan  people  plans.                          motivated.                   ported  behind-the-scenes
            Sen.  Dick  Durbin  of  Illinois  continue   to   suffer   im-  Holt, 25, travelled to Vene-  Maduro is expected to win  dialogue to win Holt's free-
            was to meet with members  mensely  under  the  Mad-       zuela in June 2016 to marry  a second term as president  dom.  Caleb  McCarry,  a
            of the government and op-    uro   regime's   repressive  a  fellow  Mormon  he  met  in  a  May  20  election  that  top Republican congressio-
            position,  a  spokesman  for  actions,"  Durbin  recently  online  practicing  his  Span-  the  U.S.  and  Venezuela's  nal  staffer  who  has  known
            his  office  said.  He  didn't  tweeted,  supporting  sanc-  ish.  The  couple  was  ar-  largest  opposition  parties  Maduro  for  15  years,  trav-
            provide further details.     tions  while  condemning  rested during a police raid  have  rejected  as  being  elled  to  Caracas  in  Febru-
            The  Senate's  No.  2  Demo-  Maduro's  "criminal  regime  on  the  housing  complex  rigged  in  Maduro's  favor,  ary  to  meet  with  the  Ven-
            crat  is  also  expected  to  and its complete disregard  where she had lived.         leaving  the  South  Ameri-  ezuelan  leader  and  First
            meet  with  Maduro  to  dis-  for democracy."             Venezuelan  authorities  al-  can leader few if any allies  Lady Cilia Flores to press for
            cuss  the  imprisonment  of  Durbin's  visit  follows  weeks  leged  Holt  was  stockpiling  in  Washington  from  either  Holt's release.
            Joshua  Holt,  who  is  being  of  backchannel  talks  over  "weapons of war."         political party.             That  dialogue  prompted
            held  in  a  Caracas  prison  Holt  between  representa-  U.S.  officials  have  repeat-  Durbin  played  a  key  role  a  visit  to  Washington  by
            along with several top gov-  tives of the two countries in  edly  demanded  Holt's  re-  in  Cuba's  2014  release  of  a  trusted  ally  of  Maduro,
            ernment opponents await-     both  Caracas  and  Wash-    lease   on   humanitarian  American Alan Gross, who  Gov.  Rafael  Lacava  of
            ing a trial on what the U.S.  ington.                     grounds,  considering  the  was  held  in  prison  for  five  Carabobo state, to discuss
            has   called   trumped-up  Last week, Sen. Orrin Hatch,  charges  against  him  and  years on the communist is-     Holt with lawmakers.q

            Sierra Leone declares opposition leader the new president

                                                                      By  CLARENCE  ROY-MA-        date Samura Kamara, who  people  after  neither  the
                                                                      CAULAY,                      received  48.19  percent  of  ruling All Peoples Congress
                                                                      Associated Press             the votes.                   party  candidate  nor  Bio
                                                                      FREETOWN,  Sierra  Leone  The  election  commission's  won the March 7 first round
                                                                      (AP) — Sierra Leone's elec-  chairman,       Mohamed  election outright. The Sierra
                                                                      tion  commission  declared  N'Fah Alie Conteh, said Bio  Leone  Peoples  Party  has
                                                                      main opposition candidate  would be sworn in later.       not  held  the  presidency
                                                                      Julius  Maada  Bio  as  the  More  than  2.5  million  peo-  since 2007.
                                                                      West  African  nation's  new  ple,  or  81  percent  of  eligi-  The  runoff  vote  had  been
                                                                      president Wednesday, giv-    ble  registered  voters,  cast  set  for  March  27  but  was
                                                                      ing the opposition party its  ballots in the runoff, he said.  delayed after a ruling party
                                                                      first presidency in 10 years.  Any  registered  voter  has  member filed a court chal-
                                                                      Bio  won  Saturday's  runoff  seven  days  to  petition  to  lenge alleging irregularities
                                                                      vote with 51.81 percent of  the Supreme Court against  in the first round and a tem-
            In  this  Saturday  March  31,  2018,  file  photo,  Julius  Maada  Bio,   valid  votes  cast,  the  Na-  the results.   porary  injunction  was  is-
            right, presidential candidate for the main opposition Sierra Le-  tional  Electoral  Commis-  This was Bio's second bid for  sued, stalling preparations.
            one People's Party, gestures outside before casting his ballots   sion  said.  The  former  mili-  the  presidency.  He  lost  in  The high court lifted the in-
            during the runoff presidential elections, outside a polling station   tary leader running for the  2012.            junction last week, allowing
            in Freetown, Sierra Leone.                                Sierra Leone Peoples Party  Tensions  rose  in  the  West  the  second  round  to  take
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      beat  ruling  party  candi-  African  nation  of  7  million  place Saturday.q
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