P. 2

              Tuesday 27 February 2018
            Under 'right conditions:’                                                               US opens tough Saudi nuke
            Trump sees talks with North Korea                                                       talks, in shadow of Iran deal

            By DARLENE SUPERVILLE        maintain  its  pressure  on  office said. The North's del-
            Associated Press             the  country  until  it  takes  egation  also  agreed  that   By MATTHEW LEE
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     steps toward eliminating its  "South-North  relations  and   JOSH LEDERMAN
            dent  Donald  Trump  on  nuclear weapons. U.S. offi-      U.S.-North   Korean   rela-   Associated Press
            Monday  responded  to  an  cials differentiate talks from  tions  should  be  improved   WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is open-
            overture  from  North  Korea  negotiations.   For   those  together,"  the  statement   ing  talks  with  Saudi  Arabia  on  a  potentially  lucrative
            for  talks  with  the  U.S.,  say-  to  occur,  they  first  want  said.                atomic energy agreement that's inextricably linked to
            ing  that  will  happen  only  Pyongyang to accept that  White  House  press  sec-      an Obama-era nuclear deal with Iran. At stake: Billions
            "under the right conditions."  its nuclear program will be  retary  Sarah  Huckabee     of  dollars  in  contracts  for  U.S.  companies  and  bigger
            Trump  raised  North  Korea  on the table.                Sanders  said  Sunday  that   questions about America's ability to keep friend and foe
            at  an  annual  White  House  Speaking to the governors,  the  U.S.,  South  Korea  and   alike from reaching nuclear weapons capability.
            meeting  with  the  nation's  Trump   praised   Chinese  the international communi-     Energy Secretary Rick Perry will lead an interagency U.S.
                                                                                                    delegation to talks with the Saudis in London on Friday,
                                                                                                    two  administration  officials  and  three  outside  advisers
                                                                                                    said. The meeting comes as the Arab powerhouse ex-
                                                                                                    plores a civilian nuclear energy program, possibly with-
                                                                                                    out restrictions on uranium enrichment and reprocessing
                                                                                                    that would be required under a U.S. cooperation deal.
                                                                                                    But  there's  a  catch:  The  Saudis  have  indicated  they
                                                                                                    might  accept  such  curbs  if  a  separate  nuclear  deal
                                                                                                    with its arch-foe Iran is tightened, according to the of-
                                                                                                    ficials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because
                                                                                                    they weren't authorized to speak publicly on the matter.
                                                                                                    The separate negotiations, over Saudi and Iranian nu-
                                                                                                    clear capabilities, put American officials in the middle
                                                                                                    of the great balance-of-power of the modern Middle
                                                                                                    East. The Saudis are loath to sign away their ability to
                                                                                                    move  closer  to  bomb-making  capability  while  Iran  is
                                                                                                    bound by a 2015 nuclear accord that will become in-
                                                                                                    creasingly lenient next decade.
                                                                                                    When  President  Barack  Obama  blessed  the  nucle-
                                                                                                    ar  compromise  with  Tehran,  his  officials  insisted  they
                                                                                                    weren't  weakening  nonproliferation  standards  for  ev-
                                                                                                    eryone else. But that difficult task has fallen to President
                                                                                                    Donald Trump. And the Saudis, among his closest allies,
            Ivanka Trump, left, U.S. President Donald Trump's daughter and Kim Yong Chol, vice chairman of   are now asking a simple question: If Iran can enrich, why
            North Korea's ruling Workers' Party Central Committee, right, attend the closing ceremony of the   can't we?
            2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018.                "Our objective is we want to have the same rights as
                                                                      (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)
                                                                                                    other  countries,"  Saudi  Foreign  Minister  Adel  al-Jubeir
                                                                                                    said this month at a security conference in Munich.

            governors  after  a  North  President Xi Jinping for bol-  ty "broadly agree" that de-  At issue on Perry's trip is what's known as a "123 agree-
            Korean  envoy  sent  a  mes-  stering  his  country's  sanc-  nuclearization must be the   ment." Without one, U.S. nuclear energy firms like West-
            sage  through  South  Korea  tions against the North and  outcome  of  any  dialogue    inghouse would lose out on business opportunities with
            on Sunday. The envoy said  warned  that  Russia  is  "be-  with North Korea. She said   the Saudis. American officials and outside advisers said
            the North has "ample inten-  having badly" on the issue  North  Korea  has  a  bright   the Saudis have dangled the prospect of such contracts
            tions"  of  holding  talks  with  of sanctions.           path ahead of it if it choos-  if new restrictions are imposed on Iran's nuclear activity.
            the U.S.                     "Russia  is  sending  in  what  es denuclearization.       Trump shares many of the Saudi concerns over the Iran
            The White House said in re-  China is taking out," Trump  "We will see if Pyongyang's   deal, which he's called the worst ever and repeatedly
            sponse  that  it  would  take  said.                      message  today,  that  it  is   threatened to walk away from. In January, he vowed
            a  wait-and-see  approach.  During  Sunday's  closing  willing  to  hold  talks,  repre-  he wouldn't issue more waivers of U.S. sanctions — an
            Trump  followed  up  Mon-    ceremony  for  the  Olym-    sents  the  first  steps  along   Iran deal requirement — unless it's amended to prevent
            day.                         pics  Games,  the  office  of  the  path  to  denucleariza-  Tehran  from  gradually  resuming  a  variety  of  currently
            "We want to talk only under  South   Korean    President  tion,"  she  said  in  a  written   banned nuclear activities.
            the right conditions," Trump  Moon  Jae-in  announced  statement.                       Such talks, primarily with Europe, are thus taking on add-
            said.  The  administration's  that  a  North  Korean  del-  "In the meantime, the Unit-  ed importance ahead of a mid-May deadline for more
            position is that North Korea  egate to the Olympics said  ed  States  and  the  world   Trump waivers.
            must  get  rid  of  its  nuclear  his country is willing to hold  must  continue  to  make   Trump has identified four specific problems that must be
            and  missile  programs  be-  talks with the U.S. The move  clear that North Korea's nu-  addressed, including two not covered by the deal: Ex-
            fore  any  talks  can  take  comes  after  decades  of  clear and missile programs      piration dates on some nuclear restrictions, inspection
            place.  The  U.S.  has  ap-  tensions  between  the  two  are a dead end."              rules  for  Iranian  military  sites,  ballistic  missile  work  and
            plied  a  series  of  sanctions,  countries,  which  have  no  Trump  once  scolded  Sec-  Iranian activity in countries around the Middle East —
            including a fresh round on  formal diplomatic relations,  retary of State Rex Tillerson,   where  it  has  helped  Syria's  government  in  a  civil  war
            Friday,  in  what  it  says  is  a  and  a  year  of  escalating  who favors diplomacy with   and aided Yemeni rebels in another.
            "maximum  pressure  cam-     rhetoric,  including  threats  North  Korea  over  military   The overlapping issues have Iran deal opponents insist-
            paign" to force North Korea  of  war,  between  Trump  confrontation,  for  "wasting    ing tougher rules on Iran is the easiest solution.
            to disarm.                   and  North  Korean  leader  his  time  trying  to  negoti-  “A fix puts the administration in a much better position
            The  Trump  administration  Kim Jong Un.                  ate with Little Rocket Man,"   with the Saudis,” said Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation
            says  it's  open  to  talks  with  The North has "ample inten-  which  is  Trump's  derisive   for the Defense of Democracies. “It’s a critical step in
            North  Korea,  primarily  to  tions  of  holding  talks  with  nickname for North Korea's   demanding adherence to the ‘gold standard’ as op-
            explain  how  America  will  the  United  States,"  Moon's  leader.q                    posed to the Iran standard.”q
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