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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 27 February 2018

            Thousands pay their respects to the Rev. Billy Graham

            By JEFFREY COLLINS           tion that day.               able  to  say  goodbye  to  a  Public viewing was to con-  he  will  be  the  first  private
            CHARLOTTE,  N.C.  (AP)  —  “I  know  she  is  in  heaven  person  who  was  influential  tinue Monday and Tuesday  citizen to lie in honor there
            Thousands  of  people  from  thanking  him  right  now,”  in  our  lives  and  influential  until  10  p.m.  at  Graham’s  since  civil  rights  hero  Rosa
            all  walks  of  life  —  includ-                                                                                    Parks in 2005.
            ing  a  former  president  —                                                                                        The  funeral  will  be  held  in
            filed slowly past the casket                                                                                        a  giant  tent  as  a  nod  to
            of  the  Rev.  Billy  Graham                                                                                        Graham’s  1949  Los  Ange-
            on  Monday  to  pay  their                                                                                          les  crusade.  That  revival,
            final  respects  to  a  man                                                                                         which  Graham  said  pro-
            who  reached  millions  with                                                                                        pelled  him  to  worldwide
            his  message  of  salvation                                                                                         fame, was held in a circus
            through Jesus Christ.                                                                                               tent  dubbed  the  “Can-
            A  light  drizzle  greeted                                                                                          vas  Cathedral.”  The  man
            mourners on hand at 8 a.m.                                                                                          called  “America’s  Pastor”
            when the doors opened to                                                                                            would  eventually  preach
            Graham's  boyhood  home,                                                                                            to  an  estimated  210  mil-
            but  it  had  tapered  by  the                                                                                      lion  people  in  person  and
            late afternoon when former                                                                                          many more through his pio-
            President  George  W.  Bush                                                                                         neering  use  of  prime-time
            arrived with his wife, Laura.                                                                                       telecasts,  network  radio,
            The viewing was expected                                                                                            daily  newspaper  columns,
            to last late into the night for                                                                                     evangelistic films and satel-
            the famed evangelist, who                                                                                           lite TV hookups.
            died  Wednesday  at  age                                                                                            Billy Wayne Arrington was a
            99.                                                                                                                 boy  when  he  first  encoun-
            Mourners  of  all  races,                                                                                           tered  Graham  on  a  TV
            young  and  old,  some  in                                                                                          screen in Kingsport, Tennes-
            suits  and  some  in  T-shirts                                                                                      see. He now does Christian
            and     flip-flops,   walked                                                                                        theater.  Arrington  wiped
            through  the  parlor  where                                                                                         tears  from  his  eyes  as  he
            Graham's closed casket lay                                                                                          exited after saying a prayer
            on  a  black  pedestal.  They                                                                                       for  Graham  and  for  the
            walked  past  family  photos                                                                                        world he leaves behind.
            and a cross made of white  People stop to pray after paying respects to Billy Graham during a public viewing at the   “I’m just overwhelmed, not
            lilies  to  see  the  simple  ply-  Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, N.C., Monday, Feb. 26, 2018.                 by  sadness  —  just  over-
            wood  container  made  by                                                                (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)    whelmed  to  see  so  many
            prison inmates. At the door                                                                                         lives  touched,”  Arrington
            for  the  first  few  hours  was                                                                                    said.
            Graham's  grandson,  Roy,  she  said.  Mother  passed  in the lives of millions,” Bush  Charlotte  library  on  the  Graham will be buried be-
            shaking  the  hand  of  every  her  faith  on  to  daughter,  told reporters afterward.  campus of the Billy Graham  side  his  wife,  Ruth,  who
            person  who  came  to  see  and Turner said she passed  He  also  brought  condo-      Evangelistic Association. His  died  in  2007,  at  the  foot
            his grandfather.             it down to five children and  lences  from  his  father,  body  will  then  be  taken  of  a  cross-shaped  walk-
            "I  just  wanted  to  tell  them  four great-grandchildren.  George  H.W.  Bush,  whom  to  the  U.S.  Capitol,  where  way at Graham’s library in
            how  much  I  appreciated  “That’s an amazing thing,”  he  described  as  a  great  Wednesday  and  Thursday  Charlotte.q
            the love for my family," Roy  she said. Graham’s funeral  friend of Graham’s.
            Graham said.                 is Friday, and President Don-  “I  know  he  wished  he
            And  they  responded  with  ald  Trump  said  he  will  at-  could  come  too,  but  he’s
            stories.  Roy  Graham  said  tend.  Invitations  were  sent  not  moving  around  much
            what moved him the most  to  all  ex-presidents  of  the  these days,” Bush said.
            Monday  were  the  dozens  U.S. Bush has said he chose  Former  President  Barack
            who  paused  and  told  him  Monday because he had a  Obama  is  not  planning  to
            the  exact  moment  and  scheduling conflict with the  attend  memorial  services
            place  Billy  Graham  came  funeral. He was greeted by  for  Graham  this  week,  his
            into  their  lives  through  Graham’s son Franklin and  office said. Obama tweet-
            his  hundreds  of  crusades  spent  about  30  minutes  ed last week after that Gra-
            around the world.            with the family during a pri-  ham  was  “was  a  humble
            Cecily  Turner  is  one  of  vate viewing. “Laura and I  servant  who  prayed  for
            them.  Her  mother  was  at  are honored to be able to  so many — and who, with
            Billy  Graham’s  1957  New  come and pay our respects  wisdom  and  grace,  gave
            York crusade and she said  to the Graham family and,  hope  and  guidance  to
            he led her mother to salva-  more  importantly,  to  be  generations of Americans.”
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