P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 27 February 2018

            Rome blanketed by snow as Arctic storm sets seasonal records

            By NICOLE WINFIELD           but  melted,  but  freezing
            ROME  (AP)  —  The  Arctic  temperatures      expected
            storm  dubbed  the  "Beast  overnight  prompted  offi-
            from  the  East"  saw  tem-  cials to close Rome schools
            peratures  across  much  of  on  Tuesday  for  a  second
            Europe fall Monday to their  day  and  warn  of  continu-
            lowest level this winter and  ing  traffic  and  train  chaos
            even brought a rare snow-    due  to  the  ice  that  was
            storm  to  Rome,  paralyz-   already  forming  on  slick
            ing  the  city  and  giving  its  cobblestone sidewalks and
            residents the chance to ski,  streets.
            sled and build snowmen in  Parks  that  usually  stay
            its  famous  parks  and  piaz-  green through winter were
            zas.                         blanketed white, giving ea-
            Rome's  schools  were  or-   ger  Romans  a  rare  oppor-
            dered  closed,  while  train,  tunity to go sledding, snow-
            plane  and  bus  services  shoeing or skiing. Even the
            were  crippled.  Italy's  civil  Circo  Massimo  became  a
            protection  agency  even  hotspot for snowball fights,
            mobilized the army to help  while  Piazza  Navona,  with
            clear  slush-covered  streets  its famed Bernini fountains,
            as a city used to mild win-  turned  into  a  snow-dusted
            ters was covered by a thick  winter wonderland.
            blanket of snow.             Rome's  Mediterranean  cli-
            "Beautiful,  beautiful!"  mar-  mate  and  proximity  to  the   Shawn Roser, from Venice, Florida, a student at the North American college in Rome, throws a
            veled    Roman     resident  sea usually result in mild win-  snowball as he plays in a snow blanketed St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Monday, Feb. 26, 2018.
            Ginevra    Sciurpa,   who  ters,  such  that  restaurants                                                         (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
            donned a fur hat and thick  often  keep  outdoor  seat-
            scarf  to  brave  the  cold.  ing open, albeit with space  as  minus  24  degrees  Cel-  being treated for hypother-  accidents  in  Sweden.  He
            "Even  though  I'm  not  a  heaters,  even  through  the  sius  (minus  11  Fahrenheit)  mia and frostbite.         was uninjured.
            child anymore, the enthusi-  coldest months of the year.  in  some  places  were  to  Swedish Prime Minister Ste-   The  Cape  Morris  Jesup
            asm for the snow is still the  Elsewhere  in  Europe,  the  blame for the deaths of at  fan  Lofven's  car  skidded  station   on   Greenland’s
            same. It is always beautiful,  storm  set  dangerously  low  least three people over the  off the road in a snowstorm  northern tip recorded tem-
            and above all I didn't have  temperatures:    Lithuanian  weekend. Hospitals in Lithu-  north  of  Stockholm  and  peratures  above  freezing
            to go to work."              officials  said  temperatures  ania  and  Latvia  have  re-  smashed into railing, one of  several  times  since  mid-
            By  noon  the  snow  had  all  that  plunged  to  as  low  ported an uptick in people  several snow-related traffic  February.q
            EU's Juncker says Serbia must solve dispute with Kosovo

            BELGRADE,  Serbia  (AP)  —  cannot  accept  any  new  Juncker is visiting Serbia as  ing  compromise  with  pre-    the scope of the deal is up
            European Commission Pres-    members  with  unresolved  part of a tour of the West-    dominantly-ethnic    Alba-   to the two nations. The EU is
            ident Jean-Claude Juncker  territorial issues. "Serbia has  ern Balkans nations aspiring  nian  Kosovo,  whose  2008  helping  out  in  the  talks  on
            said  Monday  that  Serbia  already  covered  an  im-     to  join  the  bloc  at  a  time  declaration  of  indepen-  normalizing  ties  between
            must  solve  its  dispute  with  pressive  part  of  the  (EU)  Russia  is  looking  to  bolster  dence  following  a  1998-99  the  two.  Juncker  has  al-
            Kosovo  and  implement  path," Juncker said, before  its  influence  in  the  region,  war Belgrade does not rec-   ready  visited  Macedonia
            a  series  of  reforms  before  adding  that  a  number  of  particularly in Serbia.   ognize.  "We  need  a  com-  and Albania. He will travel
            it  can  join  the  European  problems  "still  have  to  be  The visit comes after the EU  promise or we will continue  to Montenegro before pro-
            Union. Juncker said follow-  solved." He singled out the  drafted  a  new  expansion  to  live  in  the  past,"  Vucic  ceeding  to  Kosovo  and
            ing talks with Serbia's Presi-  need  for  judicial  reforms  strategy that envisages Ser-  said. Juncker said the EU is  Bosnia.  His  trip  ends  with
            dent Aleksandar Vucic that  and  improvements  in  the  bia and Montenegro could  seeking  a  "legally-binding"  an EU summit with regional
            the Balkan country is on the  rule  of  law  before  Serbia  be the next to join the bloc  agreement  between  Ser-  leaders  in  Sofia,  Bulgaria,
            right path, but that the EU  and others can join the EU.  in 2025. Vucic said he's urg-  bia  and  Kosovo,  but  that  on March 1.q
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