P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 27 February 2018

            Specter of one-man rule looms as China lifts Xi's term limit

            By CHRIS BODEEN                                                                                                     a  retired  political  scientist
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  For  some                                                                                         who formerly taught at Bei-
            Chinese,    their   feelings                                                                                        jing's Renmin University.
            about plans to lift term limits                                                                                     A  retired  Beijing  railroad
            to allow President Xi Jinping                                                                                       worker,  who  gave  only  his
            to  rule  indefinitely  can  be                                                                                     surname,  Liu,  said  he  ap-
            represented best by a cud-                                                                                          proved of Xi's performance
            dly stuffed bear.                                                                                                   over his first five years in of-
            Social  media  users  shared                                                                                        fice and voiced no objec-
            images of Winnie the Pooh                                                                                           tion  to  the  lifting  of  term
            hugging  a  jar  of  honey                                                                                          limits. "As the leader, he has
            along with the quote, "Find                                                                                         done  pretty  well  in  terms
            the thing you love and stick                                                                                        of  reform  and  economic
            with it."                                                                                                           growth," said Liu, 67. "In for-
            The  Disney  bear's  image                                                                                          eign  policy,  he  also  did  a
            has often been compared                                                                                             good  job  by  taking  tough
            to  Xi,  prompting  periodic                                                                                        positions  in  the  face  of
            blocks  on  the  use  of  Pooh                                                                                      provocations from the U.S."
            pictures online.                                                                                                    Xi  has  made  robust  diplo-
            Other  online  commenters                                                                                           macy and a muscular mili-
            wrote,  "Attention,  the  ve-                                                                                       tary  posture  in  the  South
            hicle is reversing" — an au-                                                                                        China  Sea  and  elsewhere
            tomated    announcement                                                                                             a  hallmark  of  his  rule  and
            used  by  Chinese  delivery   Chinese President Xi Jinping, third from left, waves near Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, third from   more  can  be  expected,
            vehicles — suggesting that   right, as they walk in with other members of the Chinese Politburo Beijing's at the Great Hall of the   experts said.
            China is returning to the era   People. On a proposal made public Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018, China's ruling Communist Party pro-  In  terms  of  trade  relations
                                         poses removing a limit of two consecutive terms for the president and vice president.
            of former dictator Mao Ze-                                                                 (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)   with  the  U.S.,  entrenched
            dong or even imperial rule.                                                                                         differences  between  the
            Analysts say the ruling Chi-  is  limited  to  two  five-year  agenda of fighting corrup-  may  simply  wish  to  retain  world's  No.  1  and  No.  2
            nese  Communist  Party's  terms in office, but Xi — al-   tion,  eliminating  poverty  near-absolute power for as  economies  will  likely  re-
            move  to  enable  Xi  to  stay  ready China's most power-  and  transforming  China  long as possible.              main,  said  James  Zimmer-
            in power indefinitely will en-  ful leader since Mao — ap-  into a modern leading na-  "It  is  most  likely  that  it  will  man,  former  chairman  of
            sure some degree of politi-  pears  to  want  additional  tion by mid-century.         turn  into  a  post  of  lifelong  the American Chamber of
            cal stability while also reviv-  terms  to  see  through  his  Or,  some  speculated,  he  tenure,"  said  Zhang  Ming,  Commerce in China.q
            ing the specter of a return
            to one-man rule.
            In a sign of the leadership's   Seoul:
            sensitivities,  Chinese  cen-
            sors  moved  quickly  Mon-   US should lower threshold for talks with North
            day to remove satirical on-
            line commentary about the
            development.                 SEOUL,  South  Korea  (AP)  Winter  Olympics  on  Sun-    message  today,  that  it  is  South Korean president's of-
            A  day  after  the  party  an-  —  South  Korea's  president  day.                     willing  to  hold  talks,  repre-  fice. The North Korean del-
            nounced a proposed con-      said  Monday  that  the  According  to  his  office,  sents  the  first  steps  along  egation  met  with  Moon's
            stitutional   amendment      United  States  should  lower  Moon  asked  for  China's  the  path  to  denucleariza-  national  security  chief  on
            ending  term  limits,  internet   the  threshold  for  talks  with  support for U.S.-North Korea  tion," the White House said  Monday. Moon's office said
            users found it difficult to sig-  North  Korea  and  that  the  talks,  and  Liu  responded  in  a  statement.  Moon  met  the  two  sides  agreed  that
            nal approval or disapproval   two countries should start a  that China would help facil-  Sunday  with  a  North  Kore-  the  Olympics  had  been  a
            by  changing  their  profiles.   dialogue soon.           itate them. Moon also said  an  delegation  led  by  Kim  meaningful stepping stone
            Key  search  topics  such  as   President   Moon   Jae-in  that  North  Korea  should  Yong  Chol,  a  former  gen-  toward  restoring  inter-Ko-
            "serve  another  term"  were   made  the  remarks  in  a  show a commitment to de-     eral whom South Korea has  rean  ties,  and  to  continue
            censored.                    meeting with Chinese Vice  nuclearization, something it  accused  of  being  behind  to  collaborate  to  seek  a
            The country's rubber-stamp   Premier  Liu  Yandong  one  has refused to do.            two  attacks  on  the  South  permanent  peace  on  the
            parliament,  the  National   day after a senior North Ko-  Earlier,  the  U.S.  said  the  that killed 50 people in 2010.  Korean  Peninsula.  South
            People's Congress, is all but   rean official told Moon that  international   community  Kim  told  Moon  that  North  Korean protesters burned a
            certain to pass the amend-   his country is willing to open  needs  to  maintain  maxi-  Korean  leader  Kim  Jong  North Korean flag and used
            ment  when  it  meets  for  its   talks with the United States.  mum pressure on North Ko-  Un wanted to improve ties  a knife to slash a portrait of
            annual  session  early  next   The  officials  were  in  South  rea until it gives up its nucle-  with  Washington  and  had  Kim  Jong  Un  near  a  hotel
            month.  Under  the  1982     Korea for the closing cere-  ar weapons development.      "ample  intentions  of  hold-  where  the  North  Korean
            constitution,  the  president   mony of the Pyeongchang  "We will see if Pyongyang's  ing talks," according to the  delegation was staying.q
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