P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
              Tuesday 27 February 2018
            Trump says he’s willing to buck NRA; Congress not so sure

            LISA MASCARO                                                                                                        Congress  can  accomplish
            MATTHEW DALY                                                                                                        is passage of the “Fix NICS”
            Associated Press                                                                                                    bill “it would be an abject
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            failure and a dereliction of
            dent  Donald  Trump  de-                                                                                            our duty.”
            clared  Monday  he’s  will-                                                                                         At  a  minimum,  Congress
            ing to take on the National                                                                                         should   approve    univer-
            Rifle  Association  over  gun                                                                                       sal  background  checks,
            legislation,   but   Republi-                                                                                       Schumer  said,  denounc-
            cans who control Congress                                                                                           ing  “NRA-backed  bills  that
            aren’t  so  sure.  They  prefer                                                                                     make    Republicans    feel
            to  consider  only  modest                                                                                          better without meaningfully
            changes to firearms limits in                                                                                       addressing the issue of gun
            response to the mass shoot-                                                                                         safety.”
            ing at a Florida high school.                                                                                       In the House, many Demo-
            Congress  returned  to  work                                                                                        crats  want  to  reinstate  an
            Monday  without  follow-                                                                                            assault  weapons  ban  that
            ing  Trump’s  lead  on  any                                                                                         expired  more  than  a  de-
            of  the  major  initiatives  he                                                                                     cade ago.
            has tossed into the debate                                                                                          But   House    Republican
            since the massacre at Mar-                                                                                          leaders  believe  it’s  up  to
            jory   Stoneman    Douglas                                                                                          the  Senate  to  take  the
            High School. Despite public                                                                                         next steps, according to a
            calls  for  stricter  gun  laws,   White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks during the daily news briefing at the   top House GOP aide, who
            Republican  leaders  have    White House, in Washington, Monday, Feb. 26, 2018.                                     spoke  only  on  condition
            largely kept quiet after the                                                               (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)  of  anonymity  because  he
            shooting which left 17 dead  a meeting with the nation’s  one can legally buy a gun.   did  not  mention  increas-  wasn’t  authorized  to  dis-
            and  ushered  in  another  governors.  “There’s  noth-    Cornyn,  the  Senate’s  No.  ing  the  minimum  age  for  cuss legislative strategy.
            phase  in  the  gun  debate,  ing to be afraid of. And you  2  Republican,  questioned  rifle  purchases,  he  wants  The  House  passed  legis-
            prompted  in  large  part  by  know  what?  If  they’re  not  Trump’s  proposal  to  raise  to toughen the Cornyn bill  lation  in  December  that
            the  activism  of  the  young  with you, we have to fight  the  age  limit  for  assault  with  stricter  background  included  changes  to  the
            survivors.                   them every once in a while.  weapons,  noting  that  the  checks, a change the NRA  background-check  system
            Over  the  weekend,  Trump  That’s OK.”                   minimum  age  to  enlist  in  has opposed.                as part of a broader pack-
            spent  time  talking  to  Re-  Instead,  Senate  Republi-  the military is 18.         “We’re going to strengthen  age that stalled in the Sen-
            publican  House  Speaker  cans are hoping to consid-      “I’m  not  sure  I  understand  it,” Trump said. “We’re go-  ate  because  it  included
            Paul  Ryan  of  Wisconsin,  er more modest legislation  the  21  age.  I  think  there  ing  to  make  it  more  perti-  expanded  gun  rights  by
            and  the  White  House  is  in-  from  Sens.  John  Cornyn,  are better ways to address  nent to what we’re discuss-  requiring  states  to  recog-
            viting lawmakers from both  R-Texas, and Chris Murphy,  it  than  just  an  arbitrary  ing.”                        nize  conceal-carry  permits
            parties  for  meetings  this  D-Conn., to strengthen the  age increase,” he told The  Democrats      have    long  issued by other states.
            week. But Trump’s ideas to  National  Instant  Criminal  Washington Times.             pressed  for  more  sweep-   The House package also in-
            arm many teachers, lift the  Background Check System  Trump        insisted   Monday  ing changes toward a uni-     cluded a measure to study
            minimum age for purchas-     (NICS).  The  “Fix  NICS”  bill,  that   sometimes   politi-  versal  background  check  bump  stocks,  the  devices
            ing  assault  rifles  to  21  and  similar to one approved last  cal  leaders  need  to  buck  system,  including  requiring  that  turns  rifles  into  auto-
            impose stricter background  year  in  the  House,  would  the  NRA,  which  builds  its  inquiries for online and gun  matic-style  weapons  and
            checks were falling flat.    penalize  federal  agencies  political  power  by  major  show purchases.              were used in the Las Vegas
            “You  guys,  half  of  you  are  that  don’t  properly  report  campaign  spending  and  Senate   Minority   Leader  assault last fall, the deadli-
            so  afraid  of  the  NRA,”  the  required  records  used  to  motivating  gun  rights  sup-  Chuck  Schumer  of  New  est  mass  shooting  in  U.S.
            president  said  Monday  at  determine  whether  some-    porters to vote. Though he  York said Monday that if all  history.q

            Supreme Court declines to decide fate of ‘Dreamers’ just yet

            By JESSICA GRESKO                                                                      in  Congress  have  hit  a  it  moved  quickly  because
            Associated Press                                                                       stalemate.  The  Supreme  we’d  like  to  help  DACA.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                               Court’s decision for now to  I  think  everybody  in  this
            Supreme  Court  on  Mon-                                                               stay out of the case on the  room  wants  to  help  with
            day  rejected  the  Trump                                                              Obama-era  Deferred  Ac-     DACA,”  he  said  to  visit-
            administration’s  highly  un-                                                          tion  for  Childhood  Arrivals  ing governors. “But the Su-
            usual  bid  to  bypass  a  fed-                                                        program, or DACA, wasn’t  preme Court just ruled that
            eral appeals court and get                                                             surprising. It’s highly unusual  it has to go through the nor-
            the  justices  to  intervene  in                                                       for  the  Supreme  Court  to  mal channels.”
            the fate of a program that                                                             hear a case before a lower  DACA  has  provided  pro-
            protects hundreds of thou-                                                             appeals  court  has  consid-  tection  from  deportation
            sands of young immigrants                                                              ered it.                     and work permits for about
            from deportation.                                                                      But DACA supporters hailed  800,000 young people who
            The announcement means                                                                 the decision as a significant  came  to  the  U.S.  as  chil-
            the case affecting “Dream-   The  Supreme  Court  in  Washington,  at  sunset.  The  Supreme   — if only temporary — win.  dren and stayed illegally.
            ers” will have to work its way   Court is hearing arguments in a case that could deal a painful   Trump said the case would  In  September,  Trump  ar-
            through  the  lower  courts   financial blow to organized labor.                       now  be  heard  by  an  ap-  gued that President Barack
            before any Supreme Court                                  (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)  peals court and “we’ll see  Obama had exceeded his
            ruling  is  possible.  The  case  if  Congress  takes  action  in  Right  now,  however,  ef-  what happens from there.”  executive powers when he
            could  also  become  moot  the meantime.                  forts  to  address  the  issue  “You know, we tried to get  created  the  program.q
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