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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 27 February 2018
            Vatican, Versace and Vogue team up for Met's spring exhibit

            By NICOLE WINFIELD           work.
            ROME (AP) — The Vatican,  "Some might consider fash-
            Versace  and  Vogue  are  ion to be an unfitting or un-
            joining  forces  to  show  off  seemly  medium  by  which
            the  Catholic  influences  in  to engage with ideas about
            fashion.                     the  sacred  or  the  divine,"
            The  Vatican's  culture  min-  curator   Andrew   Bolton
            ister  joined  Donatella  Ver-  told  a  crowd  of  Roman
            sace  and  Vogue's  Anna  fashionistas  and  journalists.
            Wintour  on  Monday  to  of-  "But dress is central to any
            fer sneak peek of gorgeous  discussion about religion. It
            Vatican    liturgical   vest-  affirms religious allegiances
            ments,  jeweled  miters  and  and, by extension, it asserts
            historic  papal  tiaras  that  religious differences."
            will star in a spring exhibit at  The exhibit, featuring some
            the  Metropolitan  Museum  40  Vatican  vestments  and
            of Art in New York.          accessories  spanning  15
            "Heavenly  Bodies:  Fashion  papacies,  will  be  spread
            and  the  Catholic  Imagi-   among  various  Met  gal-
            nation" opens May 10 and  leries  as  well  as  the  Clois-
            represents  the  most  ex-   ters  branch  in  upper  Man-
            tensive  exhibit  of  the  mu-  hattan  in  what  organizers
            seum's  Costume  Institute,  called  a  planned  "pilgrim-
            officials  said.  It  also  repre-  age" blending fashion, faith   Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi and designer Donatella Versace arrive at Palazzo Colonna in Rome,
            sents the first time some of  and art.                    Monday, Feb. 26, 2018.
            the Vatican's most precious  With   Ennio    Morricone's                                                                        Associated Press
            treasures  from  the  Sistine  soundtrack for "The Mission"
            Chapel  sacristy  are  being  playing in the background,  Pope Leo XIII.               the  exhibit  shows  the  influ-  Gianfranco Ravasi, the Vat-
            exhibited  outside  the  Vati-  visitors  on  Monday  were  They  were  put  on  display  ence  of  the  papacy  over  ican’s culture minister, told
            can.                         able  to  glimpse  a  small  at  the  Palazzo  Colonna,  millennia.                    the  crowd  at  Palazzo  Col-
            Along with the papal trea-   sampling  of  the  soon-to-  a  former  papal  residence  "Part  of  the  power  of  the  onna  that  clothing  oneself
            sures,  the  Met  show  in-  be-shipped  Vatican  bling:  in  downtown  Rome  that  is  church has been how they  is both a material necessity
            cludes  garments  for  more  The  white  silk  cape  em-  a  jewel  of  the  Roman  Ba-  look,  and  how  they  dress,"  and a deeply symbolic act
            ordinary mortals by design-  broidered with gold thread  roque period.                 Wintour  told  The  Associ-  that was even recorded in
            ers spanning Azzedine Alia  that  once  belonged  to  Wearing a cardinal-appro-        ated Press. "They have this  the  biblical  story  of  Adam
            to  Vivienne  Westwood,  all  Pope  Benedict  XV,  and  priate  red  and  black  vel-  extraordinary presence."     and Eve.
            set  against  the  backdrop  the emerald, sapphire and  vet tunic dress, Wintour, for  Wearing  his  red-trimmed  “God  himself  was  con-
            of  the  Met's  collection  of  diamond-studded   miter,  whom  Costume  Institute's  clerical  garb  and  red  zuc-  cerned  with  dressing  his
            medieval and religious art-  or  pointed  bishops'  hat,  of  space  was  renamed,  said  chetto, or beanie, Cardinal  creatures,” Ravasi said.q

            State of the art: Museum takes hi-tech look at Vermeer

            By MIKE CORDER                                                                         ended  up  where  exactly  parent wall could be used
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands                                                               and  in  what  intensity  on  to  establish  just  what  the
            (AP) — This really is state of                                                         this painting," said Prof. Jo-  painting  looked  like  when
            the art research.                                                                      ris Dik of the Delft University  Vermeer  applied  his  finish-
            Experts  at  the  Mauritshuis                                                          of  Technology  that  devel-  ing touches in around 1665.
            museum in The Hague are                                                                oped the scanner. "So it's a  "You  can  imagine  a  really
            using the latest technology                                                            way of let's say looking over  fabulous  digital  reproduc-
            to  take  a  long,  hard  look                                                         the  shoulders  of  Vermeer  tion," Gordenker said. "Our
            at one of their most prized                                                            and  watching  him  paint  best guess of what she orig-
            paintings,  Johannes  Ver-                                                             the  painting  and  see  him  inally looked like."
            meer's "Girl with a Pearl Ear-                                                         make choices."               Meantime,  the  museum
            ring,"  and  they  are  inviting                                                       Museum  Director  Emilie  director  is  looking  forward
            the public in to watch.                                                                Gordenker  said  that  data  to getting new insights into
            For two weeks starting Mon-                                                            collected  in  the  coming  the  famous  painting  as  it
            day, experts are pointing a                                                            two weeks will provide an-   undergoes  what  amounts
            battery  of  high-tech  ma-  A Macro XRF scanner is used to study in minute detail the sur-  swers  to  many  questions  to a full body scan.
            chines  at  the  17th-century   face of Johannes Vermeer's masterpiece "Girl with a Pearl Ear-  she has about "the girl."  "In  every  space  she  looks
                                         ring",  at  the  Mauritshuis  museum  in  The  Hague,  Netherlands,
            masterpiece  of  a  young    Monday, Feb. 26, 2018.                                    "How  did  Vermeer  actu-    different and now she looks
            woman  whose  enigmatic                                               Associated Press  ally build up the surface of  very vulnerable without her
            gaze  has  earned  her  the                                                            the painting? Where did he  frame,"  Gordenker  said.
            nickname  of  the  Dutch  made such advances that  deck was an X-Ray Fluores-          start?  What's  underneath  "She  looks  a  little  smaller.
            Mona Lisa.                   the  museum  says  scan-     cent Spectrometry scanner  that paint layer?" she said.  It  has  a  different  charac-
            The  iconic  painting  was  ners  and  X-ray  machines  that  uses  a  thin  beam  of  "What kind of paints did he  ter  and  you  always  learn
            last  studied  in  1994  during  that  don't  even  touch  the  X-rays  to  examine  the  dis-  use? Where did they come  something  from  that.  The
            a  conservation  project.  In  surface of the canvas can  tribution of pigments below  from?"                       more  different  angles  you
            those days, they took paint  provide  new  insights  into  the surface of the painting.  Perhaps most intriguingly of  can  take,  whether  it's  re-
            samples  from  the  priceless  how  Vermeer  painted  the  "An  XRF  scan  really  shows  all, the information gleaned  search  or  just  display,  the
            work to examine.             girl  and  the  materials  he  what blobs of paint on the  by researchers working be-  more you learn about your
            Since then, technology has  used.  The  first  machine  on  pallet  of  Vermeer's  studio  hind a specially built trans-  collection."q
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