P. 28

              Tuesday 27 February 2018
            University experts to lead Puerto Rico storm death review

            By DANICA COTO                                                                                                      tacks,  suicide  and  respira-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   tory failure, but one report
            SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico                                                                                            by  researchers  including
            (AP)  —  Puerto  Rico's  gov-                                                                                       the director of applied de-
            ernor announced Thursday                                                                                            mography at Pennsylvania
            that  a  team  of  experts  at                                                                                      State  University  estimates
            George  Washington  Uni-                                                                                            that there were nearly 500
            versity  will  lead  an  inde-                                                                                      excess  deaths  in  Puerto
            pendent,  in-depth  review                                                                                          Rico in September.
            to  determine  the  number                                                                                          Victims'  relatives  note  the
            of deaths caused by Hurri-                                                                                          storm  left  the  entire  island
            cane  Maria  amid  accusa-                                                                                          of  3.3  million  people  with-
            tions  that  the  U.S.  territory                                                                                   out power, including those
            has undercounted the toll.                                                                                          in  hospitals  and  nursing
            The team, led by the dean                                                                                           homes  who  relied  on  res-
            and  an  epidemiologist  of                                                                                         pirators  and  other  electric
            the  university's  school  of                                                                                       equipment.
            public  health,  expects  to                                                                                        The first phase of the review
            have  a  preliminary  report                                                                                        will  cost  the  government
            in three months and a final                                                                                         $305,000,   officials   said,
            report in one year.                                                                                                 adding  that  the  second
            "We will call it as we see it,"                                                                                     phase  could  cost  up  to
            said  Dean  Lynn  Goldman.                                                                                          $1.1 million and be paid for
            "That I promise you."         In this Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017 file photo, the foundation of a heavily damaged house stands   through  grants  given  that
            The  administration  of  Gov.   amid broken trees in the mountains after the passing of Hurricane Maria in the San Lorenzo neigh-  the U.S. territory is mired in
                                         borhood of Morovis, Puerto Rico.
            Ricardo Rossello had main-                                                                         Associated Press  an  11-year  recession  and
            tained that 64 people died                                                                                          struggling  to  restructure  a
            as a result of the Category  hospital visits and interviews  view of the death toll in late  includes  some  of  those  portion of its $73 billion pub-
            4 hurricane that hit on Sept.  with  family  members  and  December. The current toll  who  died  from  heart  at-  lic debt load.q
            20 with winds of up to 154  doctors. The team also will
            mph (248 kph).               review  mortality  records
            death  toll  is  much  higher,  calculate  possible  excess  87 endangered vultures poisoned
            But  critics  have  said  the  from  the  past  10  years  to

            noting  that  a  spike  in  the  deaths  and  analyze  the
            number of deaths after the  process  that  Puerto  Rico   by poachers in Mozambique
            storm was not normal. Puer-  used  to  count  victims.  She
            to Rico recorded an official  said  the  type  of  research
            average of 82 deaths a day  her  team  will  be  doing                                                              JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  —
            in  the  two  weeks  before  could lead to an improved                                                              Conservationists   say   at
            Maria  hit.  The  number  in-  U.S.  model  for  estimating                                                         least  87  critically  endan-
            creased to 117 a day after  deaths after a disaster.                                                                gered  vultures  have  died
            the  storm  pummeled  the  "Worldwide,  these  meth-                                                                after  consuming  poison
            island  in  mid-September  ods are not sufficiently de-                                                             planted  in  the  carcass  of
            and then fell below usual in  veloped," she said, adding                                                            a  poached  elephant  in
            October.                     that  she  will  be  working                                                           Mozambique.  The  South
            Rossello said his administra-  alongside Puerto Rican of-                                                           Africa-based  Endangered
            tion  wants  to  rely  on  the  ficials.  "Despite  the  best                                                       Wildlife  Trust  says  at  least
            most up-to-date science to  efforts  of  many  people  to                                                           80  white-backed  vultures
            get more clarity about the  care  for  people  in  the  af-                                                         and seven hooded vultures
            number of victims.           termath  of  this  disaster...                                                         were killed and more dead
            "I  want  to  know  the  truth,"  it  hasn't  always  been  pos-                                                    birds  might  be  found  in
            he  said.  "It's  important  for  sible  for  the  records  to  be                                                  the  Mbashene  communal
            those who have lost loved  kept in a way that they nor-                                                             area  where  the  poisoning
            ones."                       mally are."                                                                            occurred.  It  says  another
            Goldman  said  the  team  Puerto Rico government of-                                                                17  poisoned  vultures  im-
            will  review  all  deaths  from  ficials have rejected media                                                        proved  after  treatment.
            September until the end of  reports  that  suggest  hun-  In this photo provided by the Endangered Wildlife Trust and tak-  The  conservation  group
            February, relying on death  dreds of people died as a     en on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018, the corpses of poisoned vultures   says some of the dead vul-
            certificates  in  addition  to  direct  result  of  the  storm,   are piled up in the Mbashene communal area in Mozambique.   tures  were  mutilated,  sug-
            possible funeral home and  and Rossello called for a re-                                           Associated Press  gesting that they may have
                                                                                                                                been killed for parts used in
                                                                                                                                traditional  medicine.  The
                                                                                                                                tusks  of  the  poached  el-
                                                                                                                                ephant  were  seized  and
                                                                                                                                one suspect was detained.
                                                                                                                                  Poachers  also  poison  vul-
                                                                                                                                tures  because  they  circle
                                                                                                                                above  the  carcasses  of
                                                                                                                                animals such as rhinos and
                                                                                                                                elephants,  potentially  re-
                                                                                                                                vealing  their  location  to
                                                                                                                                park rangers.q
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