P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 27 February 2018
            Davis Cup to be transformed into a 1-week World Cup

            By STEVE DOUGLAS                                                                                                    a  few  hours  before  play-
            The  Davis  Cup  could  be                                                                                          ing that night for his team in
            transformed  into  a  one-                                                                                          the Spanish league.
            week, one-location, 18-na-                                                                                          "He has had conversations
            tion World Cup of Tennis in                                                                                         with players, and the play-
            a  major  overhaul  aimed                                                                                           ers council," Haggerty said
            at  enticing  the  best  men's                                                                                      of  Pique.  "The  players  are
            players to play.                                                                                                    very supportive of this idea.
            Andy  Murray  and  Novak                                                                                            "I have to say that I haven't
            Djokovic  are  among  the                                                                                           spoken  to  them  directly,
            stars to have reacted posi-                                                                                         but I know that Gerard has
            tively  to  the  creation  of                                                                                       had  some  conversations
            an  annual  season-ending                                                                                           over the last few days and
            event, starting in 2019, that                                                                                       had  positive  comments
            will  have  a  total  purse  of                                                                                     from  Andy  Murray,  from
            $20 million.                                                                                                        Novak Djokovic."
            "We  think  the  change  we                                                                                         The  ITF  board  unanimously
            are  making  will  make  it  so                                                                                     endorsed  the  proposal,
            much more appealing and                                                                                             which will be submitted at
            tangible to the top players,"                                                                                       the  ITF’s  annual  general
            David  Haggerty,  president                                                                                         meeting  in  Florida  in  Au-
            of  the  International  Tennis                                                                                      gust. Haggerty said a deci-
            Federation, told The Associ-   This is a Sunday, Nov. 26, 2017 file photo of the French captain Yannick Noah, center, holding the   sion on the venue for the in-
            ated Press on Monday.        cup after France won the Davis Cup at the Pierre Mauroy stadium in Lille, northern France.    augural competition will be
            Established  in  1900,  the                                                                        Associated Press  taken  in  four  to  six  weeks.
            Davis  Cup  has  struggled                                                                                          There  has  been  interest  in
            for relevance at times in a  comprise a round-robin for-  be able to factor that into  The  event  has  been  de-   the United States and Asia,
            crowded sporting calendar  mat followed by a quarter-     their  plans,  travel,  and  pri-  vised  in  conjunction  with  among others.
            in  recent  years  because  final knockout stage. Each  oritize  it,"  Haggerty  said  in  investment  group  Kosmos,  It will be on a hard court to
            many  top  players  have  tie  would  be  best-of-three  a  phone  interview.  "Now,  which was founded by Bar-     begin with, so players fea-
            chosen not to play.          sets and consist of two sin-  you may know where your  celona  and  Spain  soccer  turing  in  the  ATP  Finals  in
            In  this  revamp,  the  World  gles and a doubles.        first tie is, but you're not sure  player  Gerard  Pique.  The  November  don’t  have  to
            Cup  of  Tennis  would  be  Sixteen teams would auto-     where  your  second  would  partnership  is  worth  $3  bil-  change surfaces.
            played over seven days in  matically  qualify  for  the  fi-  be.  You're  not  sure  of  the  lion over 25 years.  “We want to find a relevant
            the traditional week of the  nals,  and  two  more  would  surface.                    Pique has been a big driver  city  that  is  world  class,”
            Davis Cup final, rather than  be selected.                "There are some uncertain-   behind  the  overhaul.  He  Haggerty     said,   “where
            across  four  weekends  in  "In November 2018, players  ties and this will bring some  personally  presented  the  sport  and  entertainment
            February,  July,  September,  will know who is playing in  clarity  to  it  to  help  make  proposal  to  the  ITF  board  can come together, where
            and  November.  It  would  November 2019 and they'll  the commitment to play."         in  Barcelona  on  Saturday,  fans will travel.”q

            Virginia firms No. 1 poll ranking, Xavier moves up to No. 3

            By JOHN MARSHALL             2  Michigan  State,  which  nament  selection  commit-
             AP Basketball Writer        clinched  the  Big  Ten  title  tee revealed its initial rank-
            A  second  blowout  loss  to  this  weekend,  received  17  ings  of  the  top  16  teams
            Villanova  didn't  stop  Xavi-  first-place  votes  and  Duke  two weeks ago. The Cava-
            er  from  notching  the  pro-  rounded out the top five.  liers moved up to No. 1 de-
            gram's  highest  AP  Top  25  The   Musketeers    (25-4,  spite losing to Virginia Tech
            ranking  a  week  ago.  The  13-3  Big  East)  rolled  over  a  day  before  the  rankings
            Musketeers are rising again,  Georgetown    89-77   de-   were released.
            passing  the  Wildcats  on  spite leading scorer Trevon  Last  week,  Virginia  (26-
            Monday  to  reach  yet  an-  Blueitt  being  held  to  two  2,  14-1  ACC)  won  its  third
            other program high at No.  points  on  1-of-10  shoot-    ACC  title  in  five  years  by
            3.                           ing.  Blueitt,  who  averages  dominating Pittsburgh , lim-
            The  poll  switch  comes  af-  19.8  points  per  game,  has  iting the Panthers to seven
            ter  the  Musketeers  beat  3  combined  points  his  last  first-half  points  in  a  66-37
            Georgetown  in  their  only  two  visits  to  Washington,  victory.
            game  last  week  and  Vil-  D.C."I hope that the Big East  The Cavaliers are still in line
            lanova  lost  to  unranked  tournament  isn't  played  to receive the No. 1 overall
            Creighton.  The  Wildcats  here,"  Xavier  coach  Chris  seed  in  the  NCAA  Tourna-  Virginia's De'Andre Hunter, center, shoots as Pittsburgh's Kham-
            dropped  just  one  spot,  to  Mack said he told Bluiett in  ment.                     eron Davis, left, and Jared Wilson-Frame, right, defends during
            No. 4, and a game behind  jest toward the end of the  “It  was  something  that  we    the second half of an NCAA college basketball game, Satur-
                                                                                                   day, Feb. 24, 2018, in Pittsburgh. Virginia won 66-37.
            Xavier in the Big East stand-  game. "I think maybe folks  knew  about  coming  into                                            Associated Press
            ings.                        in  D.C.  that  don't  have  a  this  game,  so  it  was  ex-
            Virginia  firmed  up  its  hold  TV and come to the games  citing,”  Virginia  forward  Kansas and Gonzaga both  week’s poll.
            on  the  No.  1  ranking,  re-  they may think he's an av-  Isaiah  Wilkins  said.  “It  is  a  won  conference  titles  this  Kansas (23-6, 12-4) clinched
            ceiving  48  votes  from  a  erage player, a below av-    good  feeling,  but  there  is  past weekend.             its   record-setting   14th
            media  panel  in  the  poll  erage player."               still a lot of basketball to be  The  Jayhawks’  Big  12  title  straight  Big  12  title  with  a
            released  on  Monday,  up  Virginia was the top overall  played.”                      was enough to move them  74-72 win over No. 6 Texas
            six  from  a  week  ago.  No.  seed when the NCAA Tour-   KANSAS CLIMBS, ZAGS FALL     ahead  of  the  Zags  in  this  Tech on Saturday. q
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