P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 27 February 2018
            Spurs end four-game skid with 110-94 victory in Cleveland

            Associated Press             and  14  rebounds  for  Den-
            LaMarcus  Aldridge  scored  ver,  which  had  its  four-
            27  points,  Danny  Green  game        winning    streak
            added 22 and the San An-     snapped.  Will  Barton  add-
            tonio Spurs ended their an-  ed 25 points.
            nual  “rodeo”  road  trip  by  The Rockets are 21-4 since
            beating the host Cleveland  Dec. 29 and own the best
            Cavaliers 110-94 on Sunday  record  (46-13)  in  the  NBA.
            to snap a four-game losing  They  are  outscoring  teams
            streak.  Green,  who  missed  by  an  average  of  12.5
            Friday’s loss at Denver with  points  during the 12-game
            food  poisoning,  came  off  winning  streak.  The  five-
            the bench for the first time  point win Sunday was their
            in  49  games  this  season.  closest  game  during  the
            He made five 3-pointers to  streak.
            provide  a  perfect  outside  Pelicans  123,  Bucks  121
            complement  to  Aldridge’s  (OT):  Jrue  Holiday  scored
            dynamic inside game. De-     28 of his 36 points after half-
            jounte  Murray  added  13  time  to  lead  New  Orleans
            points  and  nine  rebounds  over  host  Milwaukee  in
            for  San  Antonio,  a  team  overtime.
            not accustomed to any tur-   Holiday  added  nine  re-
            moil.                        bounds  and  six  assists  for
            But  the  Spurs  have  not  New  Orleans,  which  held
            been    themselves    lately  on  for  its  season-high  fifth
            while  playing  without  star  win  in  a  row  when  Jason
            Kawhi  Leonard.  They  had  Terry’s  3-pointer  was  ruled
            dropped  six  of  seven  and  after the buzzer.
            four in a row on a trip (their  Anthony  Davis,  who  en-
            arena hosts a rodeo every  tered  the  game  as  the
            year)  that  coach  Gregg  league’s third-leading scor-
            Popovich’s squad typically  er  (27.7  ppg),  added  27
            uses as a spring board into  points and 13 rebounds.
            the playoffs.                The  Pelicans  trailed  by  18
            LeBron  James  had  33  early in the second half but
            points,  13  rebounds  and  outscored Milwaukee 38-19
            nine  assists  for  the  Cavs,  in the third quarter.     San Antonio Spurs' Danny Green, right, drives against Cleveland Cavaliers' Jeff Green, left, in the
            who  fell  to  3-2  since  over-  Khris  Middleton  scored  25   first half of an NBA basketball game, Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018, in Cleveland. The Spurs won 110-94.
            hauling  their  roster  with  points for the Bucks. Giannis                                                                     Associated Press
            three trades.                Antetokounmpo, the No. 2
            Rockets  119,  Nuggets  114:  scorer in the NBA (27.8) and  his 19 points in the first half  two back of Washington in  for the playoffs. The Pistons
            James  Harden  had  41  Eric  Bledsoe  each  added  to help fourth-place Wash-         the  congested  East  stand-  have  28  wins,  and  there
            points and eight rebounds,  20,  but  the  Bucks  lost  for  ington  move  a  half-game  ings.                      are eight teams in the con-
            Chris Paul scored 23 points  only  the  fourth  time  in  the  ahead  of  Indiana  in  the  Hornets  114,  Pistons  98:  ference  with  at  least  31
            and  Houston  beat  host  last  14  games  and  fell  to  Eastern Conference stand-    Dwight  Howard  had  17  victories.  Seven  Charlotte
            Denver  for  its  12th  straight  9-26  all-time  against  New  ings.                  points  and  12  rebounds,  players  scored  in  double
            victory.  Harden  had  27  in  Orleans.                   The  Wizards  improved  to  Kemba  Walker  added  17  digits,  and  the  Hornets’
            the  first  half  and  seven  in  Wizards 109, 76ers 94: Otto  9-3 in an extended stretch  points  and  Charlotte  beat  bench  outscored  Detroit’s
            the  fourth  quarter,  when  Porter  scored  24  points,  without All-Star point guard  Detroit  in  Charlotte,  North  reserves 51-28.
            the Rockets held off a late  Bradley Beal added 23 and  John Wall (knee surgery).      Carolina, for its season-best  Blake Griffin led the Pistons
            Denver  rally.  Harden  has  Washington  had  a  domi-    Joel  Embiid  had  25  points  fourth straight win.       with  20  points  on  10-for-
            scored  40  or  more  points  nant  second  quarter  in  a  and 10 rebounds for Phila-  The  Hornets  improved  to  18  shooting,  while  Andre
            nine  times  this  season.  He  victory  over  visiting  Phila-  delphia,  which  dropped  a  27-33 while making a push  Drummond  had  14  points
            finished with seven assists.  delphia.                    half-game  behind  Milwau-   toward  the  No.  8  seed  in  and  14  rebounds.  Detroit
            Nikola  Jokic  had  21  points  Kelly  Oubre  scored  16  of  kee into seventh place and  the  Eastern  Conference  has lost five of six.q

            Bills agree to terms with CB Vontae Davis

            By JOHN WAWROW               agreement  on  Monday  The  Bills  have  a  need  at  Leonard        Johnson    and  97 passes defensed and 22
            AP Sports Writer             night.                       cornerback after their sec-  Shareece  Wright  —  are  all  interceptions.
            BUFFALO,  N.Y.  (AP)  —  The  The 29-year-old Davis spent  ondary   excelled   under  set  to  hit  free  agency  this  Shortly  before  the  agree-
            Buffalo Bills got a head start  the  past  five  seasons  with  first-year  coach  Sean  Mc-  spring.               ment  was  made  official,
            on a major positional need  the  Indianapolis  Colts.  A  Dermott  in  2017.  Former  Davis  entered  the  NFL  as  Davis  posted  "#BillsMafia"
            before free agency begins  two-time  Pro  Bowler,  Davis  first-round  pick  Tre'Davious  a first-round pick of the Mi-  on his Twitter account.
            by  agreeing  to  terms  with  was  released  by  the  Colts  White is entrenched as the  ami Dolphins before being  Buffalo had one of the top
            veteran  cornerback  Von-    in  November  after  suffer-  team's top cornerback, but  traded  to  the  Colts  for  a  secondaries  in  the  league
            tae  Davis  on  a  one-year  ing a setback with a groin  Buffalo's next three corners  second-round pick in 2012.  in  2017,  led  by  White  and
            contract.                    injury and electing to have  on  the  depth  chart  from  He  has  started  113  of  120  safeties  Micah  Hyde  and
            The  team  announced  the  surgery.                       last  season  —  E.J.  Gaines,  games, making 342 tackles,  Jordan Poyer.q
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